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The oak-laden elegance of Daunt Books, Marylebone


Now *this* is what a book store should look like!


Daunt Books is in a beautiful building. Tbh though it's not IME the best stocked secondhand bookshop about: Skoob, just off Russell Square, is a lot better.
Daunt Books is in a beautiful building. Tbh though it's not IME the best stocked secondhand bookshop about: Skoob, just off Russell Square, is a lot better.
But not safe to visit if you're a bit skint, or have difficulty transporting lots of books on public transport.
But not safe to visit if you're a bit skint, or have difficulty transporting lots of books on public transport.

This is very true ... says the man who walked out £50 poorer and with more books than he could comfortably carry the last time he went in there. :oops:
Another one is the Book and Comic Exchange (14 Pembridge Road in Notting Hill).

Ground floor is good but the trouble starts when you venture into the basement - everything is 50p and there are thousands upon thousands of books down there. I usually come out with a minimum of 20 - at least they're cheap enough to pass onto the charity shop without too much consideration though.
I like Barter Books in Northumberland. converted train station :cool: Google image results for barter books is better than their website. :rolleyes:
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