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The Histories of Bouldergloves - A Dwarf Fortress Succession Game


The following psytrance is baṉned: All
This is a Succession Game of Dwarf Fortress, the world's most complex videogame. It is a city-building/management game about taking a small band of dwarves (you know, beards, axes, mining, metalsmithing) and keeping them alive in an ever-expanding underground fortress whilst fighting off the evils of the world.. The depth and breadth of the simulation allows for all sorts of emergent storytelling in a unique and slightly off-kilter fantasy world. The game keeps track of every last detail, down to the individual limbs, bones, teeth and psychological preferences of each character. This information is then easily turned into an entertaining narrative. We will be taking turns as overseer of the fortress, one year at a time from Spring to the following Spring. Who knows where the story will go?

Here is how it began.

“One hundred twenty five years now.”
treefrog looked at me with resigned eyes and replied.
“And may she reign for another one hundred twenty five.”
I knew she did not mean it, for I would not and we share outlooks.
“It is not natural.”
“Who are you to judge, Crispy? Eweecamo means The Enchanted Universes. Our world is named for strangeness.”
“Nonetheless. She lives too long.”
We did not speak it. Many suspected it. But we knew it. Queen Udil Unibardes is a vampire. Despite small skills in combat, she has never been defeated. Despite two hundred three years since birth, she does not age. The good dwarves of The Bells pay a dear price for her strength and youth. treefrog has good counting and has studied records. She counts seven hundred thirty one dwarves killed for their blood in all history of capital city Sackwalk. Five hundred ten humans also. She is greedy.


treefrog maintained a grim face.
“You speak common truth. It is surplus speech. If you have novel thoughts, come, share them.”
I allowed a small smile.
“I have many thoughts, but I will be concise. Eweecamo is a world of lands within one ocean. This we know from the humans, who have sailed. To the West, humans and goblins live on an island without mountains. To the Northwest, all lands are empty and flat. But to the North, there is a land of mountains. Empty mountains.”


treefrog allowed a small smile.
“You say enough, Crispy. Your thoughts are made clear. When do we act?”
“I have contact with dwarves in the human capital Lockbraided. They live with humans and worship their gods, but sympathise with the Mountainhomes. They are familiar with ships. Spring weather will soon favour us. We must assemble a party. Not large, to avoid noticing.”
“I know just the Dwarves.”
I knew that she would.

So this is how seven good dwarves of The Bells of Thinning set sail in the year 126 for the North Land, to make a Mountainhome free from the undead tyranny of Queen Udil.

They were:

"Crispy" Ottanalath, Expedition leader. A competent architect and mechanic, he has long straight hair and is active, but prefers to be alone.
"rich!" Nulralfath, Miner. She is very muscular but is lacking in linguistic and creative skills.
"treefrog" Ezumzenon, Miner. She is indefatigable and strives for excellence, but does not like compromise.
"Fridgemagnet" Uzolarzes, Craftsdwarf and Trader. Organized and confident, but he is given to procrastination.
"stuff_it" Uthirdeler, Carpenter and Lumberjack. She likes helping others, but tires quickly.
"fractionman" Ottarevost, Farmer. She is agile, but has an iffy memory and does not trust others.
"tommers" Monomgur, Farmer. She is very fat, loves a good thrill and can handle stress.

I just went back through theDwarf Fortress thread and added posters' names. If you would like to be immortalised as a dwarf of Bouldergloves, just say so and I'll add you to the list. All the descriptions are fresh out of the game btw. No embellishments.

First diary entry coming soon!
This is the history of Spring.

We sailed with the first frostless dawn and made landfall soon after. It is hot here, and humid. Swamp and jungle for many miles. But the horizon menaces with peaks of granite. The mountains call to us. The new year will bring settlement and respite from travelling under open sky. We shall strike the earth!


This is our new homeland

1st Granite, 127


Well well well, here we all are then.

Today we reach the foot of the mountain. Trees crowd the swamp. A brook spills from the earth. The hillside streaks with seams of Hematite and Limonite for iron and Bituminous Coal for smelting. A good place for settling. I stand on the cart and make proclamation. I designate a simple tunnel, clear of the trees. Despite calm surroundings, we must make secure our supplies. treefrog and rich! heft picks and dig.


Mmmmm. Lovely ore.

No soil near the mountain means farming under the trees. I drive a short tunnel to the East. We begin to move our goods underground.


12th Granite, 127

Kodol protect us! Rain is falling. Not water, but blood. Human blood by the smell. What evil could cause such a thing? It coats us all as we work outdoors.


18th Granite, 127


You've got red on you

The rain has stopped, but coats us all. It is a bad omen. What horrors can exist in a land of raining blood? I order a covering for our entrance, a raising bridge also. All dwarves are permitted masonry. The swamp does not suffer the hideous rain: It would be a better location to enter the fort.


The land is soaked with blood. The construction site is soaked with blood.

27th Granite, 127

Grasshopper Men and Mosquito Men. Their monstrous forms flit over the bloodsoaked hills, but do not threaten. A flock of giant thrips flits over the river. They are chitinous, but do not threaten. If the only true evil here is blood rain, I believe we can suffer it.


19th Felsite, 127

We cannot live under the blood rain. We will build Bouldergloves East. Bouldergloves West will be vacated. I designate for the future, but deny excess digging. We will have a grand meeting room. A bedroom for every dwarf. Efficient workshops and stockpiles. Clean water. A hospital. No human blood trod into the staircase.


Summer approaches. I am hopeful for the future.
This is the history of Summer

17th Hematite, 127

Our basic needs are met. The farm is productive of dimple cup and plum helmet mushrooms. fractionMan farms. tommers brews.


Busy farmers

Fridgemagnet crafts with stone, for Autumn trading. treefrog and rich! progress Bouldergloves East. stuff_it fells trees and makes storage. I orchestrate from a place of comfort.


22nd Hematite, 127


rich! interrupts my calm with news. Gold! All dwarves have hearts lifted by news. I order celebratory feast.


tommers has waited many months to be first chef of Bouldergloves. Her imagination is constrained by available ingredients.


4th Malachite, 127
Constructing mountainhome is reward in itself. But true meaning is given by attracting others. That meaning now comes with immigrants from the mainland. Four married pairs of fresh hands, plus one child. They are:

"beesonthewhatnow" Onulinash, fisher. Skinny and emerald-eyed, with a feel for music.
His wife "@Garek" Dakasgeshud, miner. Impatient and clumsy, but happy and optimistic.
"JimW" Onulthak, ranger. Stong and muscular with good kinesthetics. Talks to himself when stressed.
His wife "Citizen66" Zalissodel, furnace operator. She has a clean shaven head and a fertile imagination.
"rubbershoes" Zimbomrek, bone carver. Incredibly tough, with very long braided beard, moustache and sideburns, but otherwise bald. Tone deaf.
His wife "TruXta" Kokebtubul, farmer. Her eyes bulge and she doesn't handle stress well. But she has good memory, kinesthetics and intellect.
"Bob_the_lost" Likototsus, furnace operator. Short and flimsy, he has a way with words and a good feel for social relationships.
His wife "el_ahrairah" Roldethobok, farmer. Fat and tough, she has natural musical ability.
Athel Belalgusil, their child. He is three years old and very fat. He touches people when he's nervous. We shall name him properly soon.
I need volunteers for dwarf names!


They have walked through the blood. They are covered in it. I designate swamp pond as water source. They should clean themselves. They bring no surprises. Queen Udil still reigns with terror.


Arrivals gather in the meeting room for meeting. All are welcomed and the ale flows. I tend my notes and assign labours. Garek will mine. With spare hands for hauling, all miners are forbidden hauling. Sorry bees, no fishing: It encourages surface wandering. We have ore, we have coal and now we have two furnace operators. Bob_the_lost and Citizen66 will soon smelt. el_ahrairah will relieve tommers of farming, so that he may brew and cook freely. JimW is candidate for marksdwarfship, once we have crossbows. rubbershoes will haul. TruXta will haul. Child Athel will annoy.

11th Malachite, 127


Annoyance. A wolverine pesters JimW as he pastures animals. It does not attack, and JimW does not falter in his labour, but it must not be permitted entrance. I examine the creature from a distance. It is gigantic for its kind, but I feel it can be taken. stuff_it has some martial skill with her axe. I order the attack.


Battle is joined on blood hill. stuff_it approaches from the East.


The wolverine is agile and strikes first. stuff_it dodges and counterattacks, inflicting a small scratch. The animal bites her foot, but stuff_it soon shakes it loose and commences attack. She ignores her axe and grabs the wolverine by its leg, punching its limbs and body. Its rear paw is shattered. She charges the wolverine and knocks it over, before gripping its neck in a strangle hold.


The wolverine is soon dead. First battle honour of Bouldergloves to stuff_it.

14th Malachite, 127

Three miners make excavation of Bouldergloves East rapid.


22nd Malachite, 127

Fool crispy! I did not designate clearly. Mineshaft was sunk without my consent. We have breached caverns unprepared. Hasty construction orders will wall them off.


The surface ponds evaporate in the stifling summer heat. I am glad to be underground. The brook still flows, and we will tap it soon. It is fortunate that does not evaporate.


13th Galena, 127

A herd of Anaconda People have been spotted far to the East. A wolverine bothers them. We do not interfere.


28th Galena, 127

Bouldergloves West is demolished. There is no sentiment for the home under the blood. Bouldergloves East should be complete by year's end. We endure.

I'm naming them after people who posted on the other dwarf fortress thread. I'm going to run out of names pretty soon though.
i'm immediately offering up the name of the Seals clan.

alos downloading ... must get out moar

is there a way to co-op?
I'm naming them after people who posted on the other dwarf fortress thread. I'm going to run out of names pretty soon though.
Perhaps a naming theme then? Or start working your way through posters on the rest of the gaming form, followed by the computers and tech forum, and so on.
alos downloading ... must get out moar

is there a way to co-op?

Passing the save file back and forth is as good as it gets. You can pause the game at will, so true co-op would be impossible (or just very annoying)

I will add your name to the list, and otherwise just go throught the gaming forum, good idea :)
You need a kabbes soon, for accounts, when all that gold streams in.
There is actually a bookkeeper position, which is quite important if you want to keep track of your fortress' stocks.

Crispy What graphics pack are you using? I've had problems with passing save files back and forward between different setups, because some of the graphics packs seem to hack the raws in the save files, so everything then looks odd when you try to view them in standard ASCII.
This is the history of Autumn

11th Limestone, 127

Bouldergloves West prospers. All dwarves will soon have bedrooms. All workshops have proximity to stockpiles. Great Hall becomes greater every day. I busy myself with smoothing.


16th Limestone, 127

With major excavations complete, I order a cistern. Water will be drawn in the main hall, where dwarves may admire wells.


10th Sandstone, 127

The Great Hall is structurally complete. A seam of Hematite streaks the floor. Eight mighty columns hold the ceiling. treefrog tells me that they are wider than they are tall, and therefore not columns. I tell her I am overseer and they are columns. One day perhaps, the roof can be raised. Smoothing will come.


14th Sandstone, 127

If tradition is maintained and the terrain does not claim them, traders from the mountainhomes will arrive soon. I inspect the finished goods for Fridgemagnet's cratfsdwarfship.


This is a fine piece. It depicts hero of the mountainhomes and will make good trade.


What mystery! I was certain that Bouldergloves was first settlement of dwarves in all North land. Yet here is depiction of a dwarf here in 126. Now this we know: the Lore is the Lore. It manifests itself through crafting unbidden by the craftsdwarf. Fridgemagnet could not have known what he made. But the knowledge he has received shocks me. What dwarves came here eighteen months ago? What became of them? This item shall not be traded. It shall be kept for further study. I order construction of museum room off Great Hall in preparation.


22nd Sandstone, 127

More migrants wade through the blood to Bouldergloves. Two married peasant couples. They are brave. They are:

"Old Gergl" Keshannil, Dissector. Short, fat and cautious. He will stay inside and perform menial labour.
His wife, "kabbes" Uzoletest, Milker. Organised and calm, with heavy eyebrows. She will make an excellent record keeper.
"bi0boy" Sazirmonang, Soap Maker. Incredibly muscular, mighty and confident. He will be the second soldier.
His wife, "spirals" Rakustkilrud, Farmer. She is muscular, strong and agile, but unassertive. She will be the third soldier.


4th Timber, 127

The cistern is complete. Pressure plate is linked to inlet bridge. When cistern is full, bridge will raise, blocking water. When cistern empties, bridge will lower, permitting water. Lever will close bridge in case of seige by swimming creatures. I perform work myself.


12th Timber, 127

Citizen66 has abandoned his furnace. The stone calls to him and he must answer.


He gathers Chert, Granite and Mica. We await his creation.

15th Timber, 127

Citizen66 is not lazy.


It will be great honour for goods to be stored in such a noble coffer. It is also great honour for Citizen66 who is now legendary mason. He is assigned own workshop for production of furniture only. All citizens of Bouldergloves will sit on thrones.

16th Timber, 127


The brook is breached and water flows. The cistern begins to fill.


The cistern overspills.


But the pressure plate performs well. The inlet is closed.


I order the mouth of the cistern walled off.

17th Timber, 127

As expected, the caravan has been sighted. They will be here soon and I anticipate worthwhile trading. Fridgemagnet will broker the deal.

18th Timber, 127

A kobold sneaks into the fort. I order stuff_it to pursue. She is not close. The kobold escapes.


The kobold flees directly into path of incoming caravan.


The kobold is fast. The guards are slow. The kobold escapes without a scratch.


19th Timber, 127


Construction of cistern wall is slow. Dwarves make small contribution, then complain of wet feet. Old Gergl persists and completes one tile. He tells me of time when construction site was dry before cistern filling. I ignore him.


22nd Timber, 127

Fridgemagnet arrives at trade depot. Now we will know value of our labours.


Eight hundred fifty coins. That is small amount. I gaze with longing eyes at steel weapons. We settle for cheese and meat for meal variety, thread, cloth and plaster for stocking future hospital. We top up our alcohol stocks. This is all that Bouldergloves can afford. I am ashamed. Next year, we shall rain golden crafts on this wagon.

23rd Timber, 127

Another thief. This time, caravan guards are ready. Macedwarf Zulban ends things quickly with a flurry of blows.

24th Timber, 127

I place final block in cistern wall myself. Now we have secure water supply, ready for construction of well.


Timber has been a busy month for Bouldergloves. Water works. Artifact construction. Trading. Thieves. The weather is cooling and surface ponds are refilling. Winter approaches and with it consolidation. Bouldergloves East still requires hospital, barracks, refuse pile, security from the surface. As my year of overseeing approaches its end, I must look to the future and ensure all is in place for the handover of power.
This is the history of Winter

2nd Moonstone, 127

The caravan guard beat another kobold into bloody pulp. Trade depot must be better protected in future.


3rd Moonstone, 127


I place Citizen66's magnificent chert coffer in the Great Hall where it might inspire us all. It is engraved with an image of itself. I have not looked too closely at the engraving for I fear the infinite.


kabbes is promoted to bookkeeper and manager. He is granted office space and immediately begins counting. That dwarf likes counting.


10th Moonstone, 127

Wealth and industry require mining. I designate exploratory tunnel Westward, under the hills of ore and coal. Bouldergloves will be rich and prosperous.


Outdoors, blood rains. Safe underground, hematite, limonite and bituminous coal surrender to picks.


21st Moonstone, 127

The merchants depart. I realise too late they had a cat for sale. We need a cat to control vermin.


9th Opal, 127

Winter is calm. After excitement of Autumn, it is relief. I plot mine tunnels to visible ore in blood hill.


The Great Hall has been completed to a satisfactory quality. Walls are smoothed and fresh water is available for drinking. Rocks are untidy. I designate dumping.


23rd Opal, 127


I am visited by the outpost liason. They will make trade next year and wish to know our needs. I request cat, alcohol, seeds and cheese. Geshud makes good offer for cut gems and various crafts. These should be priority for industry in 128.


9th Obsidian, 127

Every dwarf is busy. This is good, for idleness breeds intimacy and intimacy breeds breeding and breeding breeds children who cannot labour. But hauling distracts from useful labour. Barrels, doors and metalwork are going unmade. I deny hauling to craftsdwarves citizen66, stuff_it, Fridgemagnet and rubbershoes. Migrants are welcome in Bouldergloves, for there is much labour.

19th Obsidian, 127

I set citizen66 to statuary, to provide ornament for Great Hall. He carves statue of another dwarf of the mystery 126 settlement of North land. I am unsettled, but it is a masterful artwork that will bring joy to all dwarves.


20th Obsidian, 127


It seems that the creative spirits are restless. First citizen66 recieves unbidden knowledge of mystery dwarf. Now el_ahrairah, a dwarf of no notable creativity, has been possessed. She rushes to the Great Hall, perhaps to receive inspiration. The child Athel observes.


26th Obsidian, 127

el_ahrairah remains transfixed in the Great Hall. It is worrying. I am carrying ore with Truxta, who reminds me that we have a limited range of workshops. el_ahrairah must desire one that we lack. Her tanning skill is middling, so a temporary leatherworks is built. She remains immobile.

28th Obsidian, 127

Desperation. All around el_ahrairah, I order workshop construction. What manner of craftsdwarf does she wish to be?


Jeweler? No. Clothier? No. Glassmaker? No.

If we do not provide her with the tools and materials the spirits command, she will surely go insane. As I haul rock away from panic site, rubbershoes taps me on the shoulder. I am reminded. It is midnight. My reign ends. My successor must have high skill in running when hitting ground.
It seems that the creative spirits are restless. First citizen66 recieves unbidden knowledge of mystery dwarf. Now el_ahrairah, a dwarf of no notable creativity, has been possessed. She rushes to the Great Hall, perhaps to receive inspiration. The child Athel observes.


26th Obsidian, 127

el_ahrairah remains transfixed in the Great Hall. It is worrying. I am carrying ore with Truxta, who reminds me that we have a limited range of workshops. el_ahrairah must desire one that we lack. Her tanning skill is middling, so a temporary leatherworks is built. She remains immobile.

28th Obsidian, 127

Desperation. All around el_ahrairah, I order workshop construction. What manner of craftsdwarf does she wish to be?


Jeweler? No. Clothier? No. Glassmaker? No.

If we do not provide her with the tools and materials the spirits command, she will surely go insane. As I haul rock away from panic site, rubbershoes taps me on the shoulder. I am reminded. It is midnight. My reign ends. My successor must have high skill in running when hitting ground.

eeek, you're way ahead of me. and creepily. WHAT HAPPENS TO POSSESSED DWARF ME?
Here's plans of the whole fort, from surface to 9 levels down









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