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The Feast (Gwledd) - Welsh language horror film picks up great reviews


This looks like one to watch!

The Feast is rife with conversations to be had about its themes and gross-out moments, inviting a discussion on the consequences of taking from the land and exceeding your reach. Cadi even feels like a guardian of the forest, positioning herself in the way of the family’s selfish intentions. Every moment is mesmerizing for one reason or another, and Jones never fumbles the execution. Whether it’s in the film’s gorgeous cinematography from Bjørn Ståle Bratberg, or the incredible sound design, every beat lends itself to the suspense and underlying terror. The Feast is one of those movies that is pointed in its message, haunting in its execution, and unnerving to watch unfold. A hypnotic, unforgettable experience that digs deep down and uncovers the dark heart of humanity – and then devours it.

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