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The Creator

This turned up today. By the same guy that did Rogue One.

I reckon people will lose their shit over this like they did with CHAPPIE.

A big budget, original Sci Fi film that doesn't hark to Marvel or DC (although it obvs evokes other films).

It looks awesome.

I enjoyed, but it took me a long time to get over that, "but that makes no sense" and suspend disbelief and enjoy the visuals. Not really any character development or even much dialogue, but hey floating chinese fishing boats and massive tanks.
Might watch this tomorrow, really like the director.
Even the official poster (or the one I've seen at least) is distinctly similar to that of Rogue One. And given that the latter is my third favourite SW film ever, I'm very much looking forward to this. I know that any decent sci-film should be more than just good SFX, but they are essential to a great film of the genre, and Edwards is one of those directors who get it, and has consistently achieved a perfect blend of practical effects and discreet, essential only CGI ones. The trailer for this is stunning and immediately catches your eye; the complete opposite effect of just about every major Marvel film out there
Watched this last night. Looks really good in places but massive missed opportunity.

Opening, scene-setting credits are OK but then the actual world building was lame and didn't really make sense. The first part jumped about with no internal logic. The second part just got more and more ludicrous. There were loads of interesting avenues to explore (making dead people relive their last few seconds; robots having real people's faces; robots living alongside humans etc etc) but all ignored in favour of some kind of hoo-ha US marines type bollocks. No real sense of jeopardy/peril; the baddies were deeply unconvincing; the ending was crapola. Even the little kid wasn't developed properly so it was impossible to give a fuck. Action scenes thrown in with no consequences; wtf was going on at the border crossing? They just drove off ffs.

The more I think about it, the more laughable it all is. I love a sci-fi dystopia film but this is shite.
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