Yeh. We saw how hegemons reacted to a timid attempt to reintroduce a tepid form of social democracy in the labour party. And how the results of the last election have been spun by loads of people to fit the narrative that auld lefty Corbyn's labour party was utterly dismissed. Yet fewer votes than the vote the lp received last year returned it to power in 2005. Labour lost the last election when they failed to put out a clear message as the conservative party did, where a new policy was launched every day and none were really developed. I wonder to what extent the attitude of half the plp, who didn't want a Corbyn government, affected the result.
Recasting the events of last autumn in the way you do isn't to my mind persuasive, as I think the last election was really lost when after huffing and puffing against an election Corbyn lost any freedom of manoeuvre when forced by the golden shower to go to the country at a time not of his choosing. The only person really happy to go then was Johnson, who despite being a shitty lying cunt had the tory media and half the plp acting in his interests. If Swinson hadn't cracked then the events of the past year would have been very different.