my bookfair
well, i had a lovely bookfair chatted o lots of old faces, even soem old friends, bought some stuff, checked different groups out (notably met Larry O'Hara) and went to a couple of meetings. Meeting 1 = future for libertarian media. I would like it if meeting organisers would come with their proposed answer to their own question rather than just 'opening up to the floor' - i came to learn and discuss, i have no experience IN the libertarian media. In the end a crap meeting, derailed slightly by [forgotten his poster name] pointing out the wombles banning from libcom. Held back from just saying, 'Look, you're an anarchist, these poeple are COMMUNISTS, they do not neccessarily support the idea of anyone saying anything at any time, and have clearly demonstarted they are AT ODDS with your politics so why do you care whether you can post on their website?'
Spent a lot of time manning a stall, and missed some meetings i wanted to go to - got roped into dong a stall minutes bfore the anarchist assembly. Went to the social centres and coops one but it was FULL, so must have been a good un. Went to the anti ID one and it was pretty good, looks likje pwople are going to do something - got lots of people to write '''' on their bank notes (make fun if you must) then and there which was alright.
Saw a comrade i haven't seen since palestine, promised to meet me in the pub but didn't get the chance. Got to pub, couldn't peak to some mates as they were with some right bastard, so talked to other mates instaed. many drinks were bought for me, never had a chance to buy one back. Looked up and their were coppers outside. never saw the system, thought it was an in house band when i heard a chord or two. Went to look at the cops, nothing happening. Asked what everyone was doing, the vast majority of us were leaving to avoid trouble, which i thought was wet at the time but now respect. However as i left i saw fracassing galore and the pigs WAY out of their depth. There was however a lack of consistency in our attitudes: most people confrinatational, but almost none ready to finish it. We definitely could have. This lead to the usual shove from cops - shove back - de arrest cycle, that eventually gets someone nicked. If they had got a full on crowd it would have been over in minutes. Some cops did get done, entirely their fault for not just fucing leaving it. Saw one cop attacking a guy in glasses, he tripped or got done from behind and they both fell. Helped the guy up and walked him to safety, went back for his glasses lense (he seemed in a bad way) and found the copper sprawled on he floor with his eyes screwed up. Went to pinch his baton, remembered i am pending trial and (can't believe i did this) kind of helped him! Kind of picked him up and asked if he was hurt. Told him to fuck off back in his van and not bother us... Not that last part was an afterthought. Oh well.
like on all situations in london, no one knew how far anyone else would take it so nno one knew what was going on. Just standing around and shoving mostly.
To max freakout:
I understand where you are coming from, i used to feel the same way and often do. people are incredibly stupid with the cops in the @ movement and rarely treat them as they sould be treated - with utter contempt, but with discretion being the better part of valor. I don't oubt that 'we' were the first to shout at the cops or maybe even push them. But you must look at it this way: what right have they to clear the pub? What right have they to tell us what to do just becuase they have a uniform from a governenment we do not recognise? No it wasn't smart, and a lack of smartness is unforgiveable, but for that half hour our direct and real opposition to the govt. was clearly fucking visible.
I believe their are 100 and 1 ways to express it better, but fighting back against idiot cops who are calling us out is the 102nd. Don't be turned off from anarchism over this, but ask yourself why you are interested in it in the first place: do you believe that their will always need to be a police force and prisons? Do you believe we need one now?