No pasaran!
Nino" "Nino has tried to engage Rachamim.": Needless to say I beg to differe but for argument and brevity's sake, let us say you are correct...Now, can we get past THAT? I am here, NOW, and willing to engage you on an ADULT level and as long as you skip the insults of any caliber, I would be happy to discuss this and other issues with you. I hope, for both the thread AND forum's sake we can skip the nonsense and behave like adults...all of us. Thanks in advance.
"Behave like adults"? Since when was posting up lies considered "adult-like"? You spend all of your time on Urban posting tedious 1,000+ word replies that, when unpacked, reveal a rather vicious racism. You constantly contradict yourself and when pressed on points that you have made, you become evasive.
To add to this, you have recently confessed your admiration for fascism.