Garfield : "(Again chickling as I try to not choke on these Hunana Dumplings): Pray tell, how I am a culturally chauvinist? When have I EVER claimed, EVER that Jewwish Culture was superior to another?
"Supremacist." INSULT#1
"Racicst." INSULT#2
"Incessant bile." INSULT #3.
"Remarks that would not be out of place of Botha." INSULT#4
Well then, next time you go whining to a Mod about how I should be banned, we have a handy flow chart to bein keeping record of your nonsense, do we not?
To answer your question though, as talking from an expereinced military officer to a person, probably a youngster, who has never held a gun in his life...I would be more than happy to explain to you and to othersjust why shooting a PARTICULAR child could be labeled a "Good Kill."
The term "Good Kill" means one that is legal under the Rules of War, AND under Rules of Engagement. I will remind you that police, sadly, are soemtimes compelled to fire their guns at people of all ages when their lives are in danger, or the lives of others are in danger.
The particulr case YOU refer to relates to a 13 year old girl who physically could have been 20 (not that that was a factor since even teens function as human bombs thewre), and who entered a so called Kill Zone.
A Kill Zone is an area where all pedestrian and vehicular traffic are forbidden due to very clear safety concerns. The zone in question skirted a Camp on one side, had a wide sad track next to it. and then a Border Barrier mext to the sand track, IT held Observational Towers on both ends of the sand track, one end the other as per sht elength, as well as one up on the Barrier.
This of course being the border with Egypt, along the so called Philadelphi Track.
As morning mists were still clearing Observation Tower one reported by radio that a female between the ages of 10 and 20 was entering the Zone despiute the many signs in Arabic, Hebrew, and English. As she entered Tower One was instructed bto use his PA and warn the girl to desist. At this point, before he made the warning he also observed a male in his 20s walking almost paralell to the girl but on the other side of a chainlinked and razor topped fence encircling the Camp.
He also noticed the girl to be carrying a medium sized black bag as the kind of satchel utilised by terrorists at the time to carry charges and he immeditely PA'd her to cease and desist, to stand still, hands on head. At that point the man on the other side of the fence began running on a left angle into the Camp and escaped.
Ob#1 radioed in that development, the sighting of the man and his subsequent escape upon issing orders to the female.
At this stage Captain R. the leader of the Druse Havar Batalion, the one manning this zone and a crack battalion, took control while in constant contact with HQ.
As he conferred with Superiors the girl took off at a brisk pace with hands now down at her sides, the classic move of an impending Suicide Bombing. She began running full speed right at the sabdbagged positions uynder the OB Tower at the end of the sand track.
Cpt. R issued the take down order and when men from Tower 2, up against the Barrier, facing the Camp saw her go down they radioed it in.
Capt R, via binos said he confirmed no visible movement and asked his men on site for an assesment.
The famous quote of "she is just a young girl" was then fed to Capt. R. where he then left the Ob Post and headed over to the track where she lay and capped her off and said even a 3 year old must die.
Why did he say what has been seeb here and on Arab sirtes as soemthing so callous? Beecause in war you must double tap (although Rules have been modified since to negate this valuable policy, nothing has changed on the ground). Anyone who has been in combat can tell you many storied about seemingl;y dead opposition who suddenly through adrenalin or whatever, rose up and killed some of the repondants' copomrades. I have seen it a few times.
Anyonme I have killed I have killed and killed good. Anmyone in combat who does not is not worth his uniform. The idea in co,mbat is to kill and for people such as yourself Garfield that may be unpalatable...although you have the audoicty top label HAMAS as "Resistance Fighters" anmd "Freedom Fighters" so I do not know how you think.
The comment about "shoot even if they are 3" was a response, to a first year Inductee who asked the Captain what to do if it s a child like the girl...not knowing yet that she was 13 wghich means in localculture that she was 2 years past the age of marrying so no child at all (our country is not England).
It was not meant to be a literal command, like shoot 3 year olds but an analogy I guess best describes it. Too bad proganda hags like some on this site do not care for truth and only for hyperbole.