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terminally ill patients not allowed out of gaza

Tecniq: Sorry, aside from your propaganda site, not a soingle piece of information within Israel or on the internet exists about he woman. Given Israel's free tretment of people who even try and blow us up,. I am going to have to call floul on this one.

As for inmates not happy with their sentenes, you find that all over the world and also find them trying to manipulate the system in order to get their goals achieved. Still, this one does not even seem to exist. Might you have a manistream source or two on the individual and her "situatioin?"
Tecniq: Sorry, aside from your propaganda site, not a soingle piece of information within Israel or on the internet exists about he woman. Might you have a manistream source or two on the individual and her "situatioin?"

You criticising links and asking for sources......:hmm:
I'll reply to this seeing as how I've been referred to above. The site certainly reports news from a Palestinian perspective, as to it being propaganda my personal opinion is that it's not. Other sites either reproduce or link to the article (which seems to be currently the only source) including this one whose 'About Us' states:
The Occupation Magazine was established in October 2004 by a group of Israeli anti-occupation activists who were disturbed by the growing discrepancy between the grim reality which they observed in the Occupied Territories , and the way in which it was (and is) reported in the main stream media. The ongoing colonization policy in the Occupied Territories is being misrepresented by the Israeli and US media as "fight against terror" and a "struggle for Israel's existence / security". This is while in reality, the colonization policies promote terror, and endanger the future of both nations in this country.

The article is reproduced here.

Anyway more of the same from imemc:

Death toll of patients, unable to exit Gaza, mounts to 125
author Tuesday April 08, 2008 10:25author by Rami Almeghari - IMEMC & Agencies Report this post to the editors

The death toll of patients, who are unable to get proper medication, due to the Israeli closure of Gaza's travel crossings, mounted Tuesday to 125 after the passing away of Mohammad Hamdouna, 65.

Teqnic: You are certainly correct any "Palestinian" site is far from neccessarily being a "Palestinian" propaganda agent ...but..."OCCUPATION MAGAZINE?" Could there seriously be the slightest doubt in any rational person's mind? It is akin to a Jewish magazine being named "Promided Land Under the Blood Covenant Magazine." It is bltant to say the least.

I would also like to add that evenwhen a source is clearly biased, if they reference actual events and provide dates, names, and so on.

That "Israelis" founded anything means nothing save to further prove my oft repeated claim that we are truly a clear exaple of a Liberal Democracy. the geniuses behind such rags and s, and sinker o how brutal the "occupying" Israeli Army and Nation is in its administration of the "Territories."

Little problem though, Gaza was given as first huge step towards statehood, something "Palestinian" leaders have gotten time and again siunce 1919/1920 but have akways 4
Naturally, terminally and otherwise seriously ill folkks will die regrdless of geopilitical situations. I will have much more to say on this issue in a cou[ple pf hours once I dig the papers out,
But it is a fact that the land is occupied though. Soliders, military bases, checkpoints ... yep, looks like an occupation to me.
Interestingly, the PA all operate Checkpoints, have bases, and many soldiers in the "WB," now what do you want to say? Non-sovereign entities that exist in a state of perpetual chaos warrant such a presence and even Arabs themselves prove this maxim.

Ever hear of Beit J'la?How about the case of Avaham Boaz in 2002. Talk about a brutual occupaytion. Or how about the PA Checkpoint in the Oslo Ear of all periods, when 2 off duty IDF were off leave and returning to Base, made a wrong turn into a congested Arsb souk, were dfragged to the PA Police Sation, while Italian TV filmed this live mind yoiu, huung the two lads from a second story window and then literally ripped thier extremities from their body, as they lived, and screamed, and the crowd cheered. then after they died from lacxk of blood they mutliated them in ways you cannot possibly imagine but I will go so far as to say their genitals were rremoved and placed in different orifices.

PLese do not play word games with me sister. You have no idea what is going on in the country.Yet we still seek to peacefully coexiust with Arabs, all Arabs and this is the miracile of the Jewish People.
Poor widdle weeno, making less sense every day. Why would you pose that unrelated question? Care to answer? Sad thing is, even you probably have no idea. Like a trollbot, just gushing good news from the island of broken toys. Do not worry little one, Horton Hears.
Poor,sad Schlachamim18, so mendacious that he has to go on the offensive to cover for his constant lies and misrepresentations. The question is relevant, chump. It is clear that you have nothing but contempt for the human rights of others unless they share the same DNA as you. Now that's not only pathetic, it's reprehensible.
Nino: Maybe you missed the part aboput Israel being number one in the enitre Mid-East for both Human and Civil Rights. to go further, they have held this position since the system of rationg was created.

Israel as you SHOULD know is not a country of Jews, not that Jews have identical DNA either. It is a Jewish State but one that ensrines the rights of all CITIZENS within the Basic Law.

In fact, many minorities, Israeli Arabs being one, have extrra rights, more rights than I do.

As for your fantasy that I am somehow a racist, I would simply ask for proof. It does not require a thesis, just offer a post where I demonstrated feelings of racial or ethnic superiority.

Since you spew the claim every couple of days I would imagine that it should not be too difficult at all.
In fact, many minorities, Israeli Arabs being one, have extrra rights, more rights than I do.
yeah, like the right not to go in the army, the right for their relatives not to return, the right not to buy land or houses in the wrong areas, the right to not work or travel freely if they live in the wrong place. It is clearly paradise
And now I would seriously love to thank a certain person, who out of his/her/intersexed goodness has reminded me that I said I would dig some papers out. True, true, I did say "in a couple of hours" but people should realise that unlike some who use this board as a way to vent their OCD, I have responsibilities in the real world. So, 2 days later, I would love to provide what the author (of the piece) surely felt was anti-Israeli propaganda, and use it to perfectly illustrate just why "people are dying to get out of Gaza."

Some things that the article has made me think about, and should make any open minded person think about:

Egypt also accepts humanitarian cases but thus far has only accepted "a trickle." Where are the threads on Egypt's lack of compassion? Where are the posts talking about how Egypt is racist towards Arabs? Egypt of course, is not subjected to bombings or rocket attacks which makes it all the more curious since they have no real rationale for the denial of entry, do they (except they recognise the very real threat posed by HAMAS whose ultimnate goal is a domino effect on Islamic Theocracy)? Yet not one blabbering fool on U75 has said a word? Hmmm....

Ambrogio Manenti, chief for the WHO in Jerusalem: "Although Israel is letting in more medical patients THAN EVER BEFORE (emphasis of course courtesy of moi) it's taking longer to apply for the permit."

Hmmm...How long is it taking we ask? "They are supposed to be issued within 2 days but now average 4 days."

Why the 4 day delay we ask? Well, aside from that 19 year old bomber I talked about earlier in the thread, who truth be told tried to blow up her place of treatment before the current crisis developed, "last year 2 middle aged mothers who were applying for permits were found to be planning suicide attacks."Hmmm...

Is it not conceivable that Israel would be stifling the permit process as a form of Collective Punishment? "Most died while making arrangements on the 'Palestinian' side." I would wager that most here have never even considered the actual process and instead, in their usual anti-Israel hysteria assumed it was all up to Israel. Truth be told (I like that phrase), once a permit is approved, applicants then need to first arrange for a departure permit from the "Palestinian" side, then arrange for a "Palestinian" medical team which is no easy feat because they almost always charge steep baksheesh (bribes), and then have that medical team approved by Israel...although since there is a specified list of approved transporters it is a very quick ending to a grueling process.

Now, would it not seem as if Israel is trying to close up Gaza and punish its populace by keeping them penned in like prisoners? In 2006 4,932 people were admitted from Gaza on these permits. In 2007, 7176 people were admitted with more than half of that number admitted between 7/1/07 and 12/31/07, the time period after which HAMAS had assumed power. Hmmm...

Seems that when you look at the situation just a tad bit objectively things start to look a lot different.

Thanks to the poster who graciously reminded me to bring up that information.

Care to read it in its glory? www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23903736
Nino: Maybe you missed the part aboput Israel being number one in the enitre Mid-East for both Human and Civil Rights. to go further, they have held this position since the system of rationg was created.

Israel as you SHOULD know is not a country of Jews, not that Jews have identical DNA either. It is a Jewish State but one that ensrines the rights of all CITIZENS within the Basic Law.

In fact, many minorities, Israeli Arabs being one, have extrra rights, more rights than I do.

As for your fantasy that I am somehow a racist, I would simply ask for proof. It does not require a thesis, just offer a post where I demonstrated feelings of racial or ethnic superiority.

Since you spew the claim every couple of days I would imagine that it should not be too difficult at all.

Yawn. How many times have I seen you use this as a defence? Too many to count. In case you weren't aware: this thread is about a specific human rights case and it would seem that has escaped your attention. Instead you have done nothing but spout the usual rubbish and made the usual accusations of "ad homs".
"The post has been reproted." Bravo. The ego knows no bounds. Think what you want.

Editor: Asked in a civil and mature way, certainly. But then I am compelled to ask, if I finally begin to report those who curse me and make worse insults, will I too find that those offending parties are being admonished as well?

To be quite honest, I am a grown man and do not need my behavoir monitored but wabted ot prove a point. I did not prove it in the way that I had hoped but your admonishment does raise another question. The person involved (on the other end of this situation) has been riding me for 2 years more or less and aside from one post (from you to her/him) asking them to stop asking for proof, nothing has changed.

Should I then exercise my right and hit the Report button as well? I remember in 2004 when it was explained to me that the Forum had certain rules and that the turles seved a specific function, to make an already very contentious subject at least minimally palatable.

On the other hands, I believe totally in Free Speech although at the same time detest incivility and bad banners in general. I would never though "Report" a person I do not know for uttering meaningless words, or even words that have some token meaning to me. The idea here is a free and unfettered exchange of ideas, and if some choose to ignore that imperative and hurl insults back anfd forth then they should certainly not cry foul when the egg lands on their face...Of course the person in question was not distrubed by any word or phrase, but rather seeks yet again to put me in the cenbter of their twisted egotistical nonsense.

"Rachamim will not provide, or cannot provide 3 sources that he promised me 2 years ago so for the next 10 years I will insult him at ever7 corner and then whine when I am called 'intersexed'." What a joke. Anyway, hope that this finally gets it out of your system and the forum can once again go back to its usual style of bickering and leave the personal obsessions by the wayside. I am sure though that nothing will change...sadly.
Nino: Not suprising at all. In case it has (and it certainly has) escaped you, it is about an Israeli poilicy. The one person at the center is one of 30 odd people and the policy even predates the first of those.

It is the policy being criticised and it is in that vein that I provided the data showing that the complaint is non-sebsical.

If you have brain lesions, you will probably die regardless of when and where. You certainly have the right to the best treatment you can find but Israel has no obligation either morally or under International Law to provide any free trteatment to anyone other than Israeli CITIZENS. AND YET IT DOES.

I have already provided numbers so I will skip that, and I have also discussed just 3 of more than a dozen of the "Palestinians" with these permits, or applying for them who soufght to manipulate this system in order to commit more terror attacks and kill inncoent people...some of which were their caregivers.

So, what was the point of my seemingly fruitless exercise? I tried and did show that Israel is not limiting these Humanitrian Express Passes, and in fact nearly doubled the number issued in the last fiscal year. More than half of that increase occurred AFTER HAMAS took power (stole power). Most Arabs who then still died did so because they could not make arrangements with corrupt "Palestinian" medical transport companies who run a monopoloy in Gaza and who charge incredible amounts of money to a very poor population.

Want to throw blame in a blanket manner? Start with the Arabs themselves..although I do credit them as masters of PR. They always do that one well. If only they could apply the same skill and effort to making a just society the entire issue would repair itself.

Frog:"Mental Illness.": You must be joking.
Grandma: That OCD jab kind of hurt you huh? Well, I can find it in my heart to pity even you. If you would like, PM me and I will see if I can find some kind of support groups near you,etc. They are making headway you know, they even have meds that can improve your quality of life. Do not give up the good fight. Now I kind of feel bad having been kind of dismissive of you.
Grandma: That OCD jab kind of hurt you huh? Well, I can find it in my heart to pity even you. If you would like, PM me and I will see if I can find some kind of support groups near you,etc. They are making headway you know, they even have meds that can improve your quality of life. Do not give up the good fight. Now I kind of feel bad having been kind of dismissive of you.

You're digging yourself into a deeper hole with each post. Post reported.
Grandma: That OCD jab kind of hurt you huh? Well, I can find it in my heart to pity even you. If you would like, PM me and I will see if I can find some kind of support groups near you,etc. They are making headway you know, they even have meds that can improve your quality of life. Do not give up the good fight. Now I kind of feel bad having been kind of dismissive of you.
One more squeak out of you with this nasty personal stuff and you're on a one day ban.
Grandma: That OCD jab kind of hurt you huh? Well, I can find it in my heart to pity even you. If you would like, PM me and I will see if I can find some kind of support groups near you,etc. They are making headway you know, they even have meds that can improve your quality of life. Do not give up the good fight. Now I kind of feel bad having been kind of dismissive of you.

come on mods when is this clueless racist fuck wit going to be banned enough is enough didn't we ban a poster before who only ever posted up commie proaganda an the cut and past e oddessies rule was invented because of them it's about time something proactive was done about this particular poster.

enough is a enough.

No discussion can be meaningfully held with this poster being in the forum.

There has always been a policy of tollerence towards those of a right wing prozionist agenda on these boards in the spirit i have always assumed of it's better to talk with them but this isn't discussion.
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