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Swapping screens on a thinkpad


Putin fanboy
I have two identical Lenovo think pads. One has a fucked keyboard but working screen. The other is all good bar a screen in which the backlight has gone.

Can I swap the screen over? Anyone got any know how? Ta.
I've not done it on a thinkpad but normally laptop screens are really easy to swap. I've done it with other ones and I'm a complete hardware dunce.

If you can't or don't want to, it's the sort of thing small computer repair shops will do for not much money.
I have two identical Lenovo think pads. One has a fucked keyboard but working screen. The other is all good bar a screen in which the backlight has gone.

Can I swap the screen over? Anyone got any know how? Ta.
Swap the keyboard over.
There's about 12 screws in total you remove from the underside which allows you to remove the KB, it's also how you install a wireless card etc.

If I remember correctly they're numbered 1 to 4 (different sizes, make sure you know which one is which number for when screwing back in) and some have an image of a KB next to them.
You may need to pull the hard drive out too, usually secured with 1 screw and is/was bottom left when flipped over.

I've done this probably 100 times, but not for years so am a tad rusty.
I'm actually feeling particularly smug because my lappy with fucked keyboard wouldn't start just because there were bad sectors on the hard drive. It gave me the Initramfs screen which I've learned from my other puter you just type 'exit' and then fsck (disk check) of the drive name mentioned in the response and -y to say yes to all the 'do you want to repair' questions.

Only the 'x' of 'exit' on my keyboard is one of the keys that doesn't work so I attached the usb keyboard from my other computer where the 'x' does work. And it's going again :)

I'm always somewhat surprised that a usb keyboard seems to work like this at such a basic machine level. I'd have expected it to need a working operating system.
T430 was the one you got right?

You can def remove the screen as a whole unit on that generation. Has it def got an issue? YouTube tutorial guide always helps me.

While it's open put a cheap mSATA SSD in there for extra storage/backup.
T430 was the one you got right?

You can def remove the screen as a whole unit on that generation. Has it def got an issue? YouTube tutorial guide always helps me.

While it's open put a cheap mSATA SSD in there for extra storage/backup.
Many thanks
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