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Super determinism


Well-Known Member
Are there any physics types still here? If so I would like your opinion on the (so-called) super determinism solution to the quantum measurement problem. It's basically rejecting Bell's assumption of statistical invariance (aka free will). The assumption which everybody has always insisted we must assume. Breaking it either sounds crazy or possibly obvious and probably both. I'm not sure. It's such a straightforward idea just handled with a bit of care. So local hidden variables it is after all.

Sabine Hossenfelder who is one of the people working on it also has a youtube channel. Here's her video on super determinism.

I don't normally go to youtube and expect to find a quick and easy solution to a problem that's been bugging theoretical physicists for several decades! But it makes a lot of sense and I'm stanning it. Paper here.

They claim it's testable too.
I don't understand the physics but I agree with her about free will, and I'm mildly surprised to learn that so many physicists seem to think free will is a coherent thing that might actually exist.
I don't understand the physics but I agree with her about free will, and I'm mildly surprised to learn that so many physicists seem to think free will is a coherent thing that might actually exist.

I think "free will" in this physics context is something like "the freedom to choose how to carry out an experiment without the results dictating how the experiment is carried out". So its not a deep philosophical stance as such. But Hossenfelder's point is that even this is an overstated and under investigated folk understanding of a statistical relation.
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