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Study suggests that cats may get health benefits from vegan diet


This is interesting for cat owners. if healthy, affordable non-meat cat food goes mainstream, I'd definitely buy it (subject to more research):

...fresh research has suggested that a vegan diet is not only safe for pet cats, but may have health benefits.

The study found that owners of cats fed vegan diets reported fewer visits to the vet, less medication use and said that their vet would be more likely to describe their cat as healthy. The findings provide reassurance to a growing number of owners who are considering alternative diets for their pets, the researchers said.

“Biologically, what cats need is not meat, but a specific set of nutrients, said Prof Andrew Knight, of the University of Winchester, who led the research. “There’s no scientific reason why you can’t supply all the necessary nutrients through plant additives.”

Pet food production has a significant environmental impact and a growing number of cat and dog owners are interested in alternative diets.

The study, published in the journal Plos One, surveyed 1,369 cat owners, about 9% of whom reported feeding their cat a vegan diet. When asked about 22 specific health disorders, 42% of owners whose catate a meat-based diet reported at least one disorder, compared with 37% of owners of cats on vegan diets. Overall the vegan cats scored better on all health indicators, although these differences were not statistically signifiant.

The researchers could not rule out the cats obtaining meat through other means, but said that this was unlikely to influence the findings. “Most of the cats on vegan diets were indoor cats,” said Knight. “They weren’t going outdoors and hunting. It could’ve been for the other ones that there was some supplemental hunting going on.”

Didn't think this could be possible. Some cats will go for it, others won't. An outdoor cat will hunt for what it prefers. What will happen if an indoor cat is offered only a vegan diet?
Didn't think this could be possible. Some cats will go for it, others won't. An outdoor cat will hunt for what it prefers. What will happen if an indoor cat is offered only a vegan diet?
Err, "Most of the cats on vegan diets were indoor cats,” said Knight. “They weren’t going outdoors and hunting."

Take a look at the report:
This study was funded by ProVeg, who have this to say about themselves: "ProVeg UK is a part of ProVeg International, a food awareness organisation working to transform the global food system by replacing 50% of animal products globally with plant-based and cultivated foods by 2040."

It's worthless, even without some of the conclusions:

"Overall the vegan cats scored better on all health indicators, although these differences were not statistically signifiant."

And it's basically a re-hash of an earlier study by the same guy (2021): Vegan pet food as healthy for cats and dogs as meat, says veterinary professor
This study was funded by ProVeg, who have this to say about themselves: "ProVeg UK is a part of ProVeg International, a food awareness organisation working to transform the global food system by replacing 50% of animal products globally with plant-based and cultivated foods by 2040."

It's worthless, even without some of the conclusions:
Why is it 'worthless' exactly?

This research and its publication open access was funded by food awareness organisation ProVeg International (https://proveg.com). AK received this award ID: Oct2019- 0000000286. However, this funder played no role in study conceptualisation, design, data collection and analysis, preparation of the resultant manuscript nor decisions relating to publication.
With the amount of meat and fish consumed by pet cats it'd be great if it could be proven that they'd be fine on a vegan diet but it doesn't seem like this study has any especially solid proof, the researchers say it's based on self-reported data from online surveys promoted in Facebook groups, etc.
With the amount of meat and fish consumed by pet cats it'd be great if it could be proven that they'd be fine on a vegan diet but it doesn't seem like this study has any especially solid proof, the researchers say it's based on self-reported data from online surveys promoted in Facebook groups, etc.
Yep. Not exactly worthless but certainly no more than 'interesting results perhaps justifying more rigorous research'. People feeding their pets vegan diets will be atypical pet owners in various ways. Even if you take their self-reporting at face value, I'd wager that they're richer than average, for example. And I'd also wager that there is a correlation between pet health and the wealth of the pet owner.
This is quoted on the journal that published the study: "Funding: This research and its publication open access was funded by food awareness organisation ProVeg International (https://proveg.com). "
And if you'd bothered to read on:

However, this funder played no role in study conceptualisation, design, data collection and analysis, preparation of the resultant manuscript nor decisions relating to publication.
Err, "Most of the cats on vegan diets were indoor cats,” said Knight. “They weren’t going outdoors and hunting."

Take a look at the report:
I'm just wondering if the indoor cats will choose a vegan diet over a standard diet of meat, fish & chicken waste
And if you'd bothered to read on:

However, this funder played no role in study conceptualisation, design, data collection and analysis, preparation of the resultant manuscript nor decisions relating to publication.
So what? They saw the study conceptualisation, design, etc, in the study proposal and decided to fund it.
"Overall the vegan cats scored better on all health indicators, although these differences were not statistically signifiant."

They could not rule out the cats getting meat from other sources :hmm:
The amount of hate, contempt and vitriol for anything vegan-related on this site is truly quite breath-taking at times.
And if you'd bothered to read on:

However, this funder played no role in study conceptualisation, design, data collection and analysis, preparation of the resultant manuscript nor decisions relating to publication.
No, they just funded it! and the authors had to pay to get it published in the dodgy journal.

Nothing to see here.
"Overall the vegan cats scored better on all health indicators, although these differences were not statistically signifiant."

They could not rule out the cats getting meat from other sources :hmm:
Another person who hasn't been able to get past the headline and knee jerk reaction: “Most of the cats on vegan diets were indoor cats..."
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