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Strandzha Commune of 1903


Plata o plomo
No-one has ever heard of it. That seems strange, as it must be the first communist state ever (unless the Paris Commune is counted which is dubious). It certainly deserves a prominent place in Leftist history, perhaps this thread will be a start.

That is interesting and had never heard of it. Wonder if any of the Christian communist traditions around those parts fed into it?
That is interesting and had never heard of it. Wonder if any of the Christian communist traditions around those parts fed into it?

You mean the Bogomils and similar antinomians? Very possibly. But this seems much more modern in spirit, presumably influenced by the Russian Narodniks.
You mean the Bogomils and similar antinomians? Very possibly. But this seems much more modern in spirit, presumably influenced by the Russian Narodniks.
Yes, was thinking of them. Always imagined it made people more receptive to similar ideas in a modern iteration.
Yes, was thinking of them. Always imagined it made people more receptive to similar ideas in a modern iteration.

No doubt. And a bit later the same tradition must have fed into the Ukrainian Makhnovshchina, so the one can see why the Stalinists would have been keen to suppress its memory. But I wonder why Western anarchists have forgotten about it.
No doubt. And a bit later the same tradition must have fed into the Ukrainian Makhnovshchina, so the one can see why the Stalinists would have been keen to suppress its memory. But I wonder why Western anarchists have forgotten about it.
It is the first I've ever heard of it and I have done a fair bit of reading around over the years. And it's not like distance and language are usually barriers, heard about Mexicans like Flores Magon etc.
It is the first I've ever heard of it and I have done a fair bit of reading around over the years. And it's not like distance and language are usually barriers, heard about Mexicans like Flores Magon etc.

Yes, I thought I knew my obscure anarchist history too. I can go for hours about Horacio Prieto or Caryl ap Rhys Pryce but this was a new one for me.
The size of the Ottoman force sent to suppress them! What's the best account you've found so far, phil? I just skimmed an article that came up in a search.
I believe, from memory, that there were a large number of local village revolts against the Ottoman Empire in 1903. A few of them had anarchist leanings, Strandzha among them.
The size of the Ottoman force sent to suppress them! What's the best account you've found so far, phil? I just skimmed an article that came up in a search.

There's very little available, can't find anything in the library. Most of what I know about this comes from my gf's family, whose ancestors were apparently involved. But here's a decent article I found online: Down with the Sultan, long live the Balkan Federation!
No, I was with a WSM friend as guests at a "business meeting" of an FA international committee. I talked about the ACF and my comrade talked about WSM. We were introduced to him as "Balkanski". I chatted to him a bit afterwards and he said his name was Georges Grigorov (or Grigoreff). He gave me his number to get in touch next time I was in Paris but I didn't go back there for years so never contacted him.
Not sure if this thread was the inspiration, but a couple of new sources have just popped up online:

And someone is taking the piss:

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