I got them for, like, £2 for the link and, ok, £27 for the controller during the sale.
+£25 (ouch) for a powerline adapter (my office is outside the house’s original external wall) and OH EM GEE it’s like it’s there in my sitting room.
I’ve had it two days. Bomber Command has had the shit played out of it (completely unplayable with mouse / kB for me), and other stuff is being tinkered with.
Awesome sauce, basically. #brap
I got them for, like, £2 for the link and, ok, £27 for the controller during the sale.
+£25 (ouch) for a powerline adapter (my office is outside the house’s original external wall) and OH EM GEE it’s like it’s there in my sitting room.
I’ve had it two days. Bomber Command has had the shit played out of it (completely unplayable with mouse / kB for me), and other stuff is being tinkered with.
Awesome sauce, basically. #brap