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Stars not qualifying - Mo Farah etc


Farah is the first big name not to make it, seems he’s just too old now:

Farah had clung on to his dream of defending his Olympic 10,000m title in Tokyo, even as his 40th birthday loomed and the niggles began to pester and hinder more than ever before. But ... the stopwatch delivered a blunt truth. He had finished 19 seconds outside the qualifying mark of 27min 28sec, running a time of 27:47.

“It’s a tough one,” he replied. “I’ve had an amazing career, thinking about it tonight it’s a bit shocking and I don’t really know what to say. I’m lucky enough to have so many medals, I’m one of these athletes who, if you can’t compete with the best, why bother? Maybe it’s time to spend time with my kids.”

Does Sha'Carri Richardson count? Her qualification has been expunged because of her positive for cannabis, and now it's down to the selectors. I know it's not performance enhancing but it's pretty refreshing that she admitted it straight away instead of trying to come up with some cock and bull story.

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