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Spying by private detective agencies inc. BRAYS on political activists...


I am researching the use by the state of private detective agencies and security companies - most notably Brays of Southampton - to spy on political activists, particularly those in the road protest movement in the 1990s.

I understand that some activists attempted to obtain their surveillance files from Brays under the Data Protection Act, but that these attempts were largely unsuccessful.

Areas I am most interested in finding out more include:

  • Corporate structure of Brays, particularly pre-1997
  • Corporate history of Brays from 1929
  • Information on key Brays figures, including (but not limited to):
  • Hugh Ellicombe
  • Peter Bascombe
  • Karen Bascombe
  • Paul Selby
  • Tina Selby
  • Andrew King
  • The circumstances and details of the failed ICO-derived Data Protection prosecution of Brays and Peter Bascombe
  • Any documentation between any Brays company or figure and the Department of Transport, the Highways Agency, HA lawyers, the Treasury Solicitor or any other representative of the government
  • Any documentation between any Brays company or figure and the Economic League, The Consulting Association or any other company, unincorporated trade association or other organisation associated with ‘blacklisting’
All pointers to decent source material - books, articles, paperwork, film, audio etc - gratefully received. I have already stripped Hansard for as much juice as I can find.
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have you got access to the city business library, the british library or a decent-sized academic library?

you should join the city of london libraries, which would give you remote access to a range of resources including the times digital archive (see http://capitadiscovery.co.uk/cityoflondon/assets/-/onlineref.html?outdated=true); also you should get your hands on a copy of 'your right to know' (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Your-Right-Know-Citizens-Information/dp/0745325823/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1399316352&sr=8-1&keywords=your right to know) another useful book is tom mann's 'oxford guide to library research' (third ed.).
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strangely their website (brays, not hampshire archives) doesn't seem active but their phone number goes to a detective lot called bascombe international.
strangely their website (brays, not hampshire archives) doesn't seem active but their phone number goes to a detective lot called bascombe international.
That's because Brays established a maze of interconnected companies and BI is the latest iteration.
Cheers for all the tips, but those are resources I am already using - eg CH company data, newspaper archives, FoI requests etc.

I am more looking for specific leads out of which I can develop further intelligence, which might then lead to more research inquiries; particularly people's personal experiences of Brays, which may include paperwork, correspondence, summonses or other documentation which would not readily be publicly accessible.

Photographic, video and audio material is also something I'm interested in reviewing, particularly non-broadcasted material.
what info are you after?

I've got access to a site that gives all related directorships, company accounts for that period for 80p a time, financials etc.

Is that any use or have you got that already?
what info are you after?

I've got access to a site that gives all related directorships, company accounts for that period for 80p a time, financials etc.

Is that any use or have you got that already?
Ta, but I already have Companies House, Electoral Roll and other similar types of information streams available.

I'm more looking for sight of:

  • Internal corporate documentation
  • Legal papers served on protesters (or others)
  • Personal testimony of interaction with Brays or connected companies
  • Contract paperwork (or accurate details thereof)
  • Leads on (current or former) staff of the Brays network
  • Information on where and against whom Brays may have been deployed (and by whom)
  • Tips on certain named individuals associated with the Brays network
  • Historical material about the establishment of Brays in 1929
Ta, but I already have Companies House, Electoral Roll and other similar types of information streams available.

I'm more looking for sight of:

  • Internal corporate documentation
  • Legal papers served on protesters (or others)
  • Personal testimony of interaction with Brays or connected companies
  • Contract paperwork (or accurate details thereof)
  • Leads on (current or former) staff of the Brays network
  • Information on where and against whom Brays may have been deployed (and by whom)
  • Tips on certain named individuals associated with the Brays network
  • Historical material about the establishment of Brays in 1929
what i would do if i were you would be to go to the hampshire archives and have a look at the relevant ratebooks for 1928 and 1929, see the names of a) the occupier and b) the owner. then look at the next few years, although it is possible you won't be able to consult anything after c.1933 due to data protection. use local southampton directories too to trace their addresses over the years.
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I am researching the use by the state of private detective agencies and security companies - most notably Brays of Southampton - to spy on political activists, particularly those in the road protest movement in the 1990s.

I understand that some activists attempted to obtain their surveillance files from Brays under the Data Protection Act, but that these attempts were largely unsuccessful.

Areas I am most interested in finding out more include:

  • Corporate structure of Brays, particularly pre-1997
  • Corporate history of Brays from 1929
  • Information on key Brays figures, including (but not limited to):
  • Hugh Ellicombe
  • Peter Bascombe
  • Karen Bascombe
  • Paul Selby
  • Tina Selby
  • Andrew King
  • The circumstances and details of the failed ICO-derived Data Protection prosecution of Brays and Peter Bascombe
  • Any documentation between any Brays company or figure and the Department of Transport, the Highways Agency, HA lawyers, the Treasury Solicitor or any other representative of the government
  • Any documentation between any Brays company or figure and the Economic League, The Consulting Association or any other company, unincorporated trade association or other organisation associated with ‘blacklisting’
All pointers to decent source material - books, articles, paperwork, film, audio etc - gratefully received. I have already stripped Hansard for as much juice as I can find.

also southampton council seem to have paid them some money in calendar year 2010 - might be something to follow up: search in google: "brays group limited" OR "brays group ltd" inurl:gov.uk
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UK Newsquest Regional Press - This is Hampshire
March 1, 2002
Mediums join hunt for missing Dan.

BYLINE: Malcolm Prior (author email malcolm.prior@soton-echo.co.uk)


LENGTH: 516 words


MEDIUMS have been using their spiritual powers in a bid to find a vital clue that could help to solve the mystery disappearance of Hamble teenager Dan Nolan.

The Daily Echo can reveal this new development in the search for the 15-year-old who vanished from the yachting mecca after a late-night fishing expedition with pals.

It is about seven weeks since he went missing but so far extensive searches of the river and the village have drawn a blank.

Earlier this week Dan's parents, Greg and Pauline Nolan, announced a GBP 50,000 reward for information leading to the safe return of their son.
Now, as the search is stepped up, the family have enlisted the services of private investigator, Peter Bascombe, 41, a former Hampshire detective.

He has told the Daily Echo how mediums have been involved in the search for the missing teenager. One examined items belonging to Dan while another visited the area where he was last sighted.

Mr Bascombe said: "We have interviewed mediums who have offered their advice and two have given particular pieces of information. One was that Dan's body was located at an address in Bishop's Waltham which police subsequently checked out and found to be negative.

"There was also a mention of something to do with a red hatchback car and that he had a head injury and an injury to his arm where he was dragged along. We have not been able to substantiate any of that."

From his Brays Detective Agency offices at Whiteley, near Fareham, Mr Bascombe has been sifting through every scrap of evidence.

He admitted that at the moment the clue cupboard is bare and said: "It is apparent that the police have covered every angle."

But he added that having looked at all the evidence, everyone was of the same opinion that the last sighting of Daniel was at 11.38pm outside The Victory in Hamble High Street on New Year's Day.

Mr Bascombe believes that there could be three scenarios behind his disappearance.

He said: "The first and obvious one is that he did go back to his fishing gear and, for whatever reason, he has fallen in the river. But there has been no trace of any of his clothing or other items.

"The second is that something more sinister has happened to him and that he has been abducted by someone leading him by foot from the High Street, or being bundled into a car or a boat."

Thirdly, Mr Bascombe said, Daniel may have walked off and did not want to contact anyone.

In the search for new clues, Mr Bascombe has been reinterviewing people who have given statements to the police and family.

But he said: "We now need new information from anyone who was in Hamble on New Year's Day between 11pm and 3.30am."

The detective said he realised how devastating it must be for the Nolan's not knowing where their son is.

He said that everyone was hoping and praying that they would find him.

Mr Bascombe, who can be contacted on 01489 588885, is waiting on the end of the phone line in the hope that he will get the all-important breakthrough which could solve the mystery which has so far baffled the Hamble community.
Just to reiterate, I have lots of corporate filings, information on directors and so forth.

I also have a swathe of sources which - naturally, given this is a detective agency we are talking about - I am loathe to post up about, because it tends to tip the person it's about to lock down this or remove that.

The point of the thread is to see whether there are people out there with primary source material such as that listed above who might be prepared to share sight of it, or for personal testimony, or for pointers on specific secondary material, such as books or articles which give an overview of the founding of the company.
as yer man seems to have been in hampshire police before striking out you could see what you get for a freedom of information request to hampshire police for copies of their magazine 'frontline' for the relevant period, see yer man's linkin profile above (& save a copy before it's changed)
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