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Sputnik 1 59th anniversary.

James McFadden

if it moves, look at it
yeah, big deal...59 tomorrow. So am I. I came into existence with the birth of the space age. I'm gonna go out in an age of banal filth-in every sense. What a life I'll have led. Please share your own stories of historical, intellectual, moral or spiritual decline...or even just a moan about how everything's shit these days. Then tell me why I absolutely must get some perspective and some...erm..historicity? What's the worst that could happen? I become a moany old twat stuck in an imaginary past? Is that really worse than trying to stay young and edgy and down with the kids?

I know what the Guardian colour supplement would say, tastefully illustrated with healthy-looking, middle-class, pseudo-oldies in designer knitwear.

I'm gonna go full Albert Steptoe just cos one thing life's taught me is: That lot are always fuckin wrong...guaranteed...even stopped clocks can be jiggled with so they're never right. That's why they have an editor.
You're about 29.
LOL and you're bitter enough to be my dad. 4th Oct 1957. I've even got a little pink bit of paper issued by a liberal bourgeois democracy to prove it you, worthless piece of shite. I dare say you've got a blue one from the vet saying when you were whelped and when you back in for de-worming. Scary little ankle nipper, you.
LOL and you're bitter enough to be my dad. 4th Oct 1957. I've even got a little pink bit of paper issued by a liberal bourgeois democracy to prove it you worthless piece of shite. I dare say you've got a blue one from the vet saying when you were whelped and when you back in for de-worming you scary little ankle nipper, you.
Your dad often questions your paternity? I can see why, but, he may be wrong.
Your dad often questions your paternity? I can see why, but, he may be wrong.
Anyway...why not go with the request? You gotta try and subvert everything?...like everything? Think what that implies in the long run.

eta: don't try: "the short run"...too obvious. Get creative ya miserable fuck
I remember being very impressed by Sputnik. I saw it as part of the whole story of the exploration of space. It was not until years later that I read about the panic it caused in America and the effect it had on their education system. Ho hum.
I was giving you a back-handed insult :thumbs:

But happy anniversary of your launch nonetheless :)
I'll take any kind of insult...try your forehand next time...or an overhead smash..lob even.
But I am on a half day and I'm just getting ready to nip out and get Sputniked so I'm feeling very magnanimous. However, I insist: Sputnik was awesome. I know you're not gonna bother looking it up but if you did you'd find Sputnik 1's launch was a significant historical event..as in a purely subjective sense was my birth.
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