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Specific Indoor Slipper Question


Well-Known Member
About 4 years ago I had a full left hand side of the body Stroke. Dickwad consultant told me I would never walk again. Bollocks to that I was / am very fit. Got myself back to full physicality albeit at a slower pace. My one problem left is my left foot is weak and unstable. ( I will get to the point …promise ).
I’ve always had a shorter left leg just a bit. Apparently a common problem.
It occurred to me if I got a quarter of an inch heel lift which you stick to the inside of the shoe it would make a difference.
It certainly did. I’m going to have to buy a lot ( do Adidas make them ?)
Outside isn’t going to be a problem but indoors I need a decent , robust pair of shoes/ Slippers. Dunno Birkenstock, Crocs ?
But I don’t want to wear shoes in house they fuck the carpet up. Any thoughts ?
manji, sorry to hear about your health worries (and very glad to hear you're doing much better now :)). So, not sure if this is relevant but... When my Mum broke her hip, she was left with quite a bad limp. The local hospital provided a free service where they build up slippers/shoes to your exact specifications (they had a quota of x number of pairs a year or whatever). Might be worth checking whether this exists where you are and whether you can get your consultant/GP to refer you?

ETA I just checked out my local hospital and they do it so maybe it's a general thing?

manji, sorry to hear about your health worries (and very glad to hear you're doing much better now :)). So, not sure if this is relevant but... When my Mum broke her hip, she was left with quite a bad limp. The local hospital provided a free service where they build up slippers/shoes to your exact specifications (they had a quota of x number of pairs a year or whatever). Might be worth checking whether this exists where you are and whether you can get your consultant/GP to refer you?

ETA I just checked out my local hospital and they do it so maybe it's a general thing?

Thanks but I only need a 8mm rise
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Thanks but I only need a 8cm rise

I wear Birkenstocks as slippers. Can’t comment on carpet damage but I much prefer to normal slippers as they are easier to regulate the temperature- thick socks/thin socks/no socks
My current slippers are Geisswein, they have nice firm rubber soles. Could be an option? They're quite low at the back though, in case that is an issue with heel lifts.
I wouldn't recommend crocs, especially if you have any mobility issues. My SiL was hospitalised after falling downstairs when her foot slipped in crocs. Horrible: broken bones and dreadful bruising. She wears sheepskins now.
Sorry have a hated of Crocs that runs deep don't mind me :)

its from the movie deadpool

but Crocs are just wrong , its like cutting your lawn in a loosely fitted robe
they put the holes in crocs as its where you dignity leaks out of
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