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South London tree surgeon please.


Changing the facts
So I’ve got this huge unruly bay “tree“ that needs to be taken out.

It’s actually starting to become a thicket.

I reckon it’s about thirty years old and the people who lived here before kind of hacked it back at head level, so it’s set up a mass of adventitious trunks at the base. Judging by the shoots it sends up the root mass is pretty big. I need it taken out, properly. It’s not something I can do on my own.

Does anyone have recommendations for a good tree surgeon in the Brixton area please?

I can Google of course, but having done that, I then decided to ask on here before ringing around.

As an aside, my ash tree ( maybe 30-50 years old) sadly has ash die back, as I discovered when I had some branches cut back last year. It’s got another 4 or 5 years before I have to remove it completely. So having a good local tree surgeon I can call on is going to be necessary for me in the future too.

Thank you Urban x
had a recommendation for these people from a (then) colleague a few years back - bromley based, not sure if they would class Brixton as SE London but may be worth a call or e-mail.
Rob Threadgold, Capital Trees. Lovely bloke. Used to live around here. Possibly based in Norwood now? Wife used to run the charity Trees for Cities.
As an aside, my ash tree ( maybe 30-50 years old) sadly has ash die back, as I discovered when I had some branches cut back last year. It’s got another 4 or 5 years before I have to remove it completely. So having a good local tree surgeon I can call on is going to be necessary for me in the future too.

Thank you Urban x
Sorry to hear that. I have a couple of beautiful ash and have been wondering when they might succumb.
Thanks for these suggestion. Its good to have a starting point.

Rushy I have a small healthy sapling from the ash. While I know it’s hopeless, I plan to plant it somewhere when it’s a bit bigger so it can grow on and make some keys. Maybe in a generation or two there will be healthy ash trees again.
Thanks for these suggestion. Its good to have a starting point.

Rushy I have a small healthy sapling from the ash. While I know it’s hopeless, I plan to plant it somewhere when it’s a bit bigger so it can grow on and make some keys. Maybe in a generation or two there will be healthy ash trees again.
These guys did some great work for our neighbours - https://www.checkatrade.com/trades/SonsOfBeechesTreesAndFencing and you gotta just the name also.
How did you get on- we are looking for one too?


I got quotes from Roots Manoeuvred and Edward Payne. The others don’t do Brixton or don’t do the service I needed.

The quotes were in the same ballpark as each other, with slight differences. Roots Manoeuvred looked at the photos I sent and based the quote on that. Edward Payne sent someone over to look at the garden.

I went with Edward Payne becasue I liked the bloke who came to do the quote. He seems to have a real understanding of gardens, the importance of trees, all that. He wasn’t just doing business (cut tfee take ££) but seemed genuinely interested in helping me make the garden into something gorgeous.

But then the team that came to do the work were like a bunch of lads you might meet in All Bar One on a Friday night and I ended up feeling quite annoyed.

For a start, they didn’t turn up as scheduled “between 11 and 1“ so I phoned at 1:30 to be told “Michelle (who made the booking) is on annual leave, yo7 shouldn’t have been told this, the team were delayed, we’ll come later in the week“. Having arranged my week around this project I was annoyed and said so, said there seemed to be a breakdown in communication etc. and suddenly they could come to do the work in 30 minutes.

They were quick and efficient, and pretty clean and tidy, so all that was good. But when I asked any questions the lead bloke (who I eventually decided was a wanker of the first order) spoke to me as if I was an idiot.

And when I said “The bloke who cam to see the site and made the quote said that….“, he said “ yeah, well that’s wrong…”. So I said “So now I‘ve got conflicting information“, which got a shrug in response. Some kind of internal issue there? No idea but it kinda annoyed me. Either I’ll be able to plant in that area next year, or in four years. That’s a big difference. I might not have opted for the poison if it’s really four years.

And the bloke said “Yeah, he shouldn’t have advised you to do this, should have advised you to do that“ which is really unhelpful. (One said I should poison first and drill later if necessary, the other said pointless to poison, go straight for the drilling out).

When they’d finished he didn’t even say goodbye, just went to the van and sent one of his minions back to say. “Job’s done, we’re off”.

They didn’t leave the logs as I’d asked. Slightly annoyed about that but whatever.

So, they did the job well and I’ve got no complaints there, but I really didn’t enjoy having that bloke being a wanker in my space.

I got quotes from Roots Manoeuvred and Edward Payne. The others don’t do Brixton or don’t do the service I needed.

The quotes were in the same ballpark as each other, with slight differences. Roots Manoeuvred looked at the photos I sent and based the quote on that. Edward Payne sent someone over to look at the garden.

I went with Edward Payne becasue I liked the bloke who came to do the quote. He seems to have a real understanding of gardens, the importance of trees, all that. He wasn’t just doing business (cut tfee take ££) but seemed genuinely interested in helping me make the garden into something gorgeous.

But then the team that came to do the work were like a bunch of lads you might meet in All Bar One on a Friday night and I ended up feeling quite annoyed.

For a start, they didn’t turn up as scheduled “between 11 and 1“ so I phoned at 1:30 to be told “Michelle (who made the booking) is on annual leave, yo7 shouldn’t have been told this, the team were delayed, we’ll come later in the week“. Having arranged my week around this project I was annoyed and said so, said there seemed to be a breakdown in communication etc. and suddenly they could come to do the work in 30 minutes.

They were quick and efficient, and pretty clean and tidy, so all that was good. But when I asked any questions the lead bloke (who I eventually decided was a wanker of the first order) spoke to me as if I was an idiot.

And when I said “The bloke who cam to see the site and made the quote said that….“, he said “ yeah, well that’s wrong…”. So I said “So now I‘ve got conflicting information“, which got a shrug in response. Some kind of internal issue there? No idea but it kinda annoyed me. Either I’ll be able to plant in that area next year, or in four years. That’s a big difference. I might not have opted for the poison if it’s really four years.

And the bloke said “Yeah, he shouldn’t have advised you to do this, should have advised you to do that“ which is really unhelpful. (One said I should poison first and drill later if necessary, the other said pointless to poison, go straight for the drilling out).

When they’d finished he didn’t even say goodbye, just went to the van and sent one of his minions back to say. “Job’s done, we’re off”.

They didn’t leave the logs as I’d asked. Slightly annoyed about that but whatever.

So, they did the job well and I’ve got no complaints there, but I really didn’t enjoy having that bloke being a wanker in my space.
I have missed your stories story 🤣🤣 you do paint a picture.
I can imagine that would be really annoying. We might give them a go as we don’t need advice just some work doing. We’e got some ‘all bar one type workers’ working in the garden next door to us and the chat is very funny to listen in on - I can see it would be really annoying if in my space! One of them said ‘ the most annoyingish thing is ….’ Keep hearing one of them say how much he used to like Boris as he got the vaccines and Brexit done🙄 … but there is some some hope even he said ‘I think he’s a cunt now’ !!!
If I hadn’t felt so annoyed about the way they didn’t turn up as scheduled (I gave the short version if the story there ash! ) I may have enjoyed the I may have been less irritated by the rest of it.

And although I said “whatevs” about the lack of logs last might when I wrote the post, actually it has annoyed me. They chipped perfectly good logs that I could have used, and wanted, and asked for. Maybe that was actually a vicious act of vengeful violence :hmm:

But yeah, the work was fine.
If I hadn’t felt so annoyed about the way they didn’t turn up as scheduled (I gave the short version if the story there ash! ) I may have enjoyed the I may have been less irritated by the rest of it.

And although I said “whatevs” about the lack of logs last might when I wrote the post, actually it has annoyed me. They chipped perfectly good logs that I could have used, and wanted, and asked for. Maybe that was actually a vicious act of vengeful violence :hmm:

But yeah, the work was fine.
It is so frustrating when the frontman is so likeable and helpful and fills you with confidence, only to find that you never have any contact with them again.
It is so frustrating when the frontman is so likeable and helpful and fills you with confidence, only to find that you never have any contact with them again.

It was disappointing, and it also felt a bit manipulative and scammy too.
Not scammy in the sense of being ripped off, but in the sense of being played.
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