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Slavoj Zizek - on webchat today - Guardian website


But this goes up to 11
A few choice answers I liked -

Is happiness important these days? How can we be happy? What steps do you suggest?

Guardian contributor
08 October 2014 2:25pm
Happiness was never important. The problem is that we don't know what we really want. What makes us happy is not to get what we want. But to dream about it. Happiness is for opportunists. So I think that the only life of deep satisfaction is a life of eternal struggle, especially struggle with oneself. We all remember Gordon Gekko, the role played by Michael Douglas in Wall Street. What he says, breakfast is for wimps, or if you need a friend buy yourself a dog, I think we should say something similar about happiness. If you want to remain happy, just remain stupid. Authentic masters are never happy; happiness is a category of slaves.

What do you think we can learn from cats, if anything?

Guardian contributor
08 October 2014 2:22pm
Nothing. I like to search for class struggle in strange domains. For example it is clear that in classical Hollywood, the couple of vampires and zombies designates class struggle. Vampires are rich, they live among us. Zombies are the poor, living dead, ugly, stupid, attacking from outside. And it's the same with cats and dogs. Cats are lazy, evil, exploitative, dogs are faithful, they work hard, so if I were to be in government, I would tax having a cat, tax it really heavy.
The Žižek "art" of "provocation" is a spent force!:hmm: Nothing new ever comes from his constantly spitting mouth...:rolleyes:
Cats are cool. They can be loyal, but their human companions have to earn that loyalty. I wonder why Zizek thinks being unquestioningly faithful and hardworking is a good thing?
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