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Question Skype - who are these people I don’t know in my contacts?


Haytor’s gonna hate
I use Skype once a week to speak to my Dad. I don’t ever use it for anything else. I have a Skype account linked to my mobile number and it seems to have populated random contacts

I can see a list of people (see screenshot); most of these are people who I’ve never heard off but it also includes people who I have as mobile contacts as well as my ex wife who I am estranged from and I don’t want her to be able to see me online - or even see her name when I log into Skype
I have no idea who the people in the screenshot are - there doesn’t seem to be a way to remove their numbers from my Skype account if I right-click it.

Any ideas how I can do this? Or is it simply a case of deleting my Skype account?
What was odd were some of the people are friends of a friend. I’ve never had their number nor given them mine. I can’t imagine we were even ever on the same WhatsApp group.

Weird, and a little frightening how they got on there and how the data got shares.

So many of the names I didn’t recognise. Could I have had one date with them 10 years ago or perhaps they came to look at my spare room once, or I bought something from them off gumtree
What was odd were some of the people are friends of a friend. I’ve never had their number nor given them mine. I can’t imagine we were even ever on the same WhatsApp group.

Weird, and a little frightening how they got on there and how the data got shares.

So many of the names I didn’t recognise. Could I have had one date with them 10 years ago or perhaps they came to look at my spare room once, or I bought something from them off gumtree

You’d be scared to know how much big data companies know about you!
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