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(short notice) protest in support of sacked Facebook cleaner, Friday 17th September


so defeated, thinks it's funny

Facebook’s facilities management firm has demanded the removal of a union activist leading a campaign against “impossible workloads” imposed on exhausted cleaners at the US tech giant’s London offices.

Emails seen by the Observer show JLL @ Facebook, which manages the social media firm’s London sites, asked Churchill Group, which employs the cleaners, to remove the workers’ elected union rep, Guillermo Camacho, from Facebook’s offices after he helped organise protests against a doubling of cleaning duties in July.

“The number of floors we have to clean has gone up from five to 12 [at Facebook’s offices on Brock Street]. But they haven’t brought in more staff. It’s impossible – I was having to come before my shift and leave late to get it done,” said Camacho. “It’s making us all really stressed and sick. That’s why we had to protest.”

One cleaner claims she suffered internal bleeding, after she was timed cleaning the Brock Street offices by a manager in June. Another cleaner says she has to take painkillers to work after developing excruciating back pain.

Miriam Palencia, 42, who has cleaned Facebook’s Brock Street offices for more three years, said: “A manager threatened me with a sanction if I didn’t clean one-and-a-half floors. He timed how long I took. It was hell. I had a haemorrhage on one of my shifts because of the stress.”

The building’s 22 to 24 cleaners, who earn £10.85 an hour and are represented by the Cleaners and Allied Independent Workers Union (CAIWU), claim they were ordered to clean a washroom, with five toilet cubicles and a shower, in one minute and 30 seconds.

Camacho, 39, has a seven-year unblemished disciplinary record in the building. Yet the email from JLL @ Facebook requests that “Camacho... be removed from the [Facebook] account” for an alleged “lack of proactiveness in managing the team and maintaining a high cleaning standard”. It was sent on the same day he led protests outside the offices in July.

Churchill Group said it couldn’t comment on individual cases but insisted “any employee relations matters are unrelated to any protest activity or union involvement”. The company said the additional floor space had been added to the account but it had not resulted in increased workload because the cleaners’ tasks had been realigned. “Each task has been timed and undertaken by our own management to ensure they are realistic and achievable; this has been backed up by time-and-motion reviews specifically designed to each site,” said a spokesperson.

Alberto Durango, the union’s general secretary, called on Facebook to take responsibility for the plight of the cleaners in its offices. “It is disgusting that low-paid cleaners are being worked to the point of exhaustion in the building of a fabulously wealthy firm that is making billions of dollars in profit every year,” he said. “Facebook cannot turn a blind eye while its contractors are trying to break the union and intimidate cleaners by forcing out their rep.”

The union raised the cleaners’ concerns with Facebook, which has seen its profits double to $10.39bn, in July and August. But email exchanges seen by the Observer show Facebook’s managers repeatedly referring the union back to Churchill, claiming “we are not the correct organisation to correspond”.

Camacho said: “We worked throughout the pandemic. We kept Facebook’s offices open. But now Facebook is trying to wash their hands of us and say we are nothing to do with them. Facebook is the boss of these companies – it can tell them what to do.”

This week Camacho, who is currently suspended after the removal request, faces a crunch meeting. Minutes from his last meeting with Churchill reveal he will be dismissed if another role cannot be found for him “specifically due to a third-party removal request”.

“I have two young children and a wife to support – as well as my extended family in Bolivia. My kids keep asking me why I’m not at work. I don’t know what to say. I’m worried about losing my job,” he said. “It makes me feel depressed. I won’t be able to pay the rent.”

Facebook said the wellbeing of anyone working in its offices was of the utmost importance and it had ensured all of its contract workers continued to be paid throughout the pandemic. “As a Facebook supplier, JLL must adhere to our strict vendor standards, including ensuring that anyone contracted is paid the London living wage as minimum,” said a Facebook spokesperson.

JLL said: “We pride ourselves on our reputation for integrity and ethics and we hold all our vendors to the same standard in our vendor code of conduct. The health and safety of our people, including those employed by our vendors, is of utmost importance.”

A spokesperson said Churchill Group put employee wellbeing above anything else. It added it had not seen any extended sickness on the contract. “We will not comment on the specifics of individual cases but we are confident with the governance of our HR processes and state that we follow legislation and operate with transparency and integrity throughout the management of every case.”
Camacho has now been sacked - only just seen this, but there's a protest for his reinstatement this afternoon:

The building’s 22 to 24 cleaners, who earn £10.85 an hour and are represented by the Cleaners and Allied Independent Workers Union (CAIWU), claim they were ordered to clean a washroom, with five toilet cubicles and a shower, in one minute and 30 seconds.
Assuming this is true, you wonder about the mindset of the person issuing this order, surely their own fucking sense must tell them this is not actually physically possible? Do they think they've got the Flash on the payroll?
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Is there any official way to support them online. I mean apart from sharing the information publicly on Facebook and calling them out on it. I guess.
The building’s 22 to 24 cleaners, who earn £10.85 an hour and are represented by the Cleaners and Allied Independent Workers Union (CAIWU), claim they were ordered to clean a washroom, with five toilet cubicles and a shower, in one minute and 30 seconds.
Assuming this is true, you wonder about the mindset of the person issuing this order, surely their own fucking sense must tell them this is not actually physically possible? Do they think they've got the Flash on the payroll?

Mid management drone scum. No doubt under their own impossible targets but still, kicking down.
This bit sounded amazingly mad as well:
"“The number of floors we have to clean has gone up from five to 12 [at Facebook’s offices on Brock Street]. But they haven’t brought in more staff. It’s impossible – I was having to come before my shift and leave late to get it done,” said Camacho... The company said the additional floor space had been added to the account but it had not resulted in increased workload because the cleaners’ tasks had been realigned."
Aye, we've given you an extra seven floors to clean with no extra staff, but it's not an increased workload, because, um, uh...
Is there any official way to support them online. I mean apart from sharing the information publicly on Facebook and calling them out on it. I guess.
Good question, I suppose if you contact the union (Log in or sign up to view ) on fb and ask them what's the best way to help they're probably better placed to answer that than I am?
They've now confirmed their intentions to be protesting on both the 24th and the 1st:

Just noticed the name given for the union spokesperson in the event description:
"The union believes it has a strong case. However, according to organiser Danbert Vanzetti..."
Protest details confirmed for 8th and 15th, facebook cleaners are also going to ballot for action:
New press release:
• Facebook cleaners plan ‘Cancel Facebook’ protest against excessive workloads
• Speakers to include John McDonnell
• Cleaners to vote on strike action
• Tribunal declines to reinstate dismissed cleaning supervisor
Facebook's London cleaners are to step up their campaign against excessive workloads and to be brought in house with a major protest on Friday November 26th.
The protest, labelled ‘Cancel Facebook’, is scheduled for 4pm at 10 Brock Street, NW1 3FG. The event will feature samba music, street performers, and a variety of speakers including former Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer John McDonnell, ADCU General Secretary James Farrar, and Glenroy Watson of the RMTs Black Solidarity Committee's Secretary.
The cleaners have been campaigning since June about increased workloads which are making them exhausted and ill. Their employer, Churchill Cleaning, which took over the Facebook contract in January, has added eight extra floors to the six that used to make up the cleaners' schedule. Churchill has failed to provide any extra resources to meet the increased workload.
Facebook itself has consistently refused to intervene on behalf of its cleaners. The Cleaners and Allied Independent Workers Union, has approached the company on multiple occasions, but it has consistently refused to get involved beyond vague expressions of concern about the wellbeing of its service providers and its intent to foster a respectful and safe working environment. Beyond that, it simply repeats the mantra that these are matters for Churchill and for its facilities management contractor JLL. Despite repeated enquiries from CAIWU, Facebook has declined to comment on the cleaners’ request to be brought in house.
In the absence of any positive progress, the prospect of industrial action grows increasingly likely. CAIWU has already served Churchill with notice of its members' intention to vote about the possibility of strike action, and Christmas Eve has been identified as a probable date for the first of what is likely to be a series of one-day strikes. CAIWU organiser Bruce Coker says that striking is very much a last resort, but that the cleaners feel they've been left with no other choice. ‘The campaign has been going on for months now,' said Coker. 'Our members are getting ill from overwork, but Churchill refuses to acknowledge that there's a problem. The cleaners have reached the point where going on strike seems like the only way to make Churchill, JLL and Facebook listen.’ Asked the reason behind the ‘Cancel Facebook’ label for the protest, Coker explained, ‘As a society we are becoming very quick to judge and cancel individuals for minor misdemeanours, and platforms like Facebook actively encourage this behaviour by rewarding outrage and engagement. We want to make some noise about the actual harm these companies are causing, not just to members of the public but often to their own workers.’
One former cleaner who won't be taking part in any strike is Guillermo Camacho, the supervisor dismissed last month for allegedly poor performance of his duties. Both CAIWU and Camacho, whose reinstatement case was rejected by the employment tribunal last week, continue to insist that the real reason behind his dismissal was his trade union activities, of which he made no secret. Camacho's unfair dismissal case is scheduled to be heard by the tribunal in the new year, by when his former colleagues are hoping their campaign will have resulted in a return to tolerable workloads at Brock Street.

Protest: Friday November 26th, 4pm | 10 Brock Street, London NW1 3FG

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