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Severed hand kept alive on man's ankle in Chinese hospital


Bloomin' eck this is bizarre - and rather amazing - stuff.

Chinese doctors have saved a man's severed hand by grafting it to his ankle, it is reported.

Xiao Wei lost his right hand in an accident at work but could not have it reattached to his arm right away.

Instead, the hand was kept alive by stitching it to Mr Wei's left ankle and "borrowing" a blood supply from arteries in the leg.

A month later, surgeons were able to remove the hand and replant it back on his arm, according to Rex Features.

According to the report, Mr Wei's doctors from the Changsha region say he will need to undergo several other operations but they are hopeful that he will regain full function of his hand.
See weird pic here:

More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-25405543
Attaching it to the lower leg makes sense. There is easy access to a good blood supply, if the patient is generally healthy in the first place.
I like the fact that the only comment apparently made by Mr Cairian Healy of the Royal College of Surgeons in England was, "Meh, should have put it in the armpit." I paraphrase, of course.
One question. What did they do with his foot? Stitch it to the end of his knob for safe keeping?
It doesn't seem like the most convenient place to put it. Wouldn't it drag along the ground when he walked? What about putting on trousers and shoes and socks, that must have been difficult.

Although maybe all the metal sticking out of him might also play a part in that
It's not that weird, with brain surgery they often implant bits of the skull in the stomach for safe keeping until they put them back in place.
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