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Serco evicting asylum seekers in Glasgow


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Sajid Javid urged to halt Serco eviction of Glasgow asylum seekers

Serco are issuing lock-changing notices on more than 300 asylum seekers who have had their applications to remain turned down, starting tonight. Residents will be given a week's notice. Glaswegian politicians are in uproar. A lot of talk of evictions being resisted.

Statement from the Scottish Refugee Council:
Asylum Seekers to be Locked Out of Homes | Scottish Refugee Council

There is a demo tomorrow on Buchanan Street:


Good statement from Living Rent (private tenants' union) here:
Living Rent Glasgow statement on Serco evictions
this is fucking ridiculous
A) the asylum system is bollocksed it takes years countless appeals because often the basic facts aren't even got right.
B) Iraq, Afghan, Syria, Libya, Eritrea are massive shitholes arguing that there are safe areas is bollocks:facepalm:.
Much as I hate foreigners you have to realize immigration is always going to be massively racist chances are if someones here and isn't breaking the law they should be allowed to stay.
hey I hate most people and would happily evict Boris Johnson with extreme prejudice I just think shitting on people who are at the bottom and frankly arnt to blame for anything its not like the homeless are going to be housed if the asylum seekers are chucked out not that would justify the evictions.
but if we are going to send the bully boys round russian maifa and middle eastern slave owners should be top of the list*
assylum seekers before radio control stock car racers but after drum bass fans :D

*its a very long list
Very good! :) I think Mike Dailly on Twitter was earlier offering legal services free and asking Aamer Anwar if he would too. But this is excellent.
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