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Search Engines


Well-Known Member
I’m no techie but a regular Apple IOS user. Bit slow to this but fed up with the usual search engines being rubbish. Are there any decent search engines ?
Please define what you find rubbish about the search engines to help us recommend alternatives.

Not accurate enough?
Too generic a response?
Too technical a response?
Trying too hard to appease your biases?
1 and 2. Safari or Google when you search something it just comes up with a list of obvious answers . You can very rarely find anything helpful .
I will give you a very specific example. A few years ago I was reading about a very important incident in Afghanistan. Whatever keywords I put in I couldn’t find out about it.
That was one example. Google was at one time extremely good at finding out that sort of thing. Not just political I’d forget a name of a band . I could always find it . Now it’s just shit loads of generic advertisements.
Even worse now if I’m looking for a news item or even a historical question I’m led to sites that have paywalls
1 and 2. Safari or Google when you search something it just comes up with a list of obvious answers . You can very rarely find anything helpful .
I will give you a very specific example. A few years ago I was reading about a very important incident in Afghanistan. Whatever keywords I put in I couldn’t find out about it.
That was one example. Google was at one time extremely good at finding out that sort of thing. Not just political I’d forget a name of a band . I could always find it . Now it’s just shit loads of generic advertisements.
Even worse now if I’m looking for a news item or even a historical question I’m led to sites that have paywalls
Actually nowadays AI can be quite helpful with this.
I use chat.openai.com a fair bit nowadays

You do need to do some fact checking with what it presents but it can often suftvthe chaff from the grain

Sadly the signal to noise ratio of the Internet is all over the place

Wolfram alpha can also be good
Thanks I will have a look at them . Another example popped up this morning. Dan Poulter the Tory MP who has defected to Labour. Now a few people have accused him of being on the board of a “ dodgy “ Israeli Medical company. Interesting but I was going to fact check it nothing at all.
Might suggest no truth but I was just fronted with endless generic media articles.
You can't expect a search engine to replace common sense.

I have no knowledge of what companies Poulter might be on the board of, if any. However, if he is said to be on the board of company X, this can presumably be checked, and either confirmed or denied. If he is said to be on the board of 'a dodgy Israeli company' that nobody can name, it sounds like bullshit.
There have been quite a few articles on techie blogs recently about how bad Google has become - allegedly due to the ad dept getting the upper hand in internal arguments a few years ago. It's much harder to find specific info than it used to be - for an awful lot of things I search Reddit now as you're more likely to find useful info written by an actual person.
Searching for specific products using Shopping/Products seems the worst - you regularly get long lists of stuff that isn't remotely similar that they want to sell you regardless of what you actually asked about.
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