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Ros Griffiths & Co. Reclaiming Windrush Square


basically a scrotum
According to the print copy of The Bugle, Brixton residents, businesses and voluntary organisations - led by local award winning social entrepreneur Ros Griffiths - have launched a bid to reclaim and transform Windrush Square. The online version of the article doesn't seem to be available yet (or at least, with my limited skills, I have been unable to find it).

The article says that the square has been maligned by ASB focused around the brand new Cherry Groce memorial, new bollards making life difficult for people with double buggies, public urination, skateboarders, lightbulbs not being replaced and the square being double booked for two Remembrance Day events. Ros says that the square needs to be reclaimed and her solution to all of this is to transform the square into a major tourist destination. She has applied to the council for a £200,000 grant towards progressing her proposals.

The organisers say that the "project's main activities will put Windrush Square on the map as a local, regional, national and international destination." And the bogs might get fixed.
According to the print copy of The Bugle, Brixton residents, businesses and voluntary organisations - led by local award winning social entrepreneur Ros Griffiths - have launched a bid to reclaim and transform Windrush Square. The online version of the article doesn't seem to be available yet (or at least, with my limited skills, I have been unable to find it).

The article says that the square has been maligned by ASB focused around the brand new Cherry Groce memorial, new bollards making life difficult for people with double buggies, public urination, skateboarders, lightbulbs not being replaced and the square being double booked for two Remembrance Day events. Ros says that the square needs to be reclaimed and her solution to all of this is to transform the square into a major tourist destination. She has applied to the council for a £200,000 grant towards progressing her proposals.

The organisers say that the "project's main activities will put Windrush Square on the map as a local, regional, national and international destination." And the bogs might get fixed.
Ros can go fuck off. Grasping charlatan on the make.
The article says that the square has been maligned by ASB focused around the brand new Cherry Groce memorial,...
I don't know what they expected to happen around that monument other than it being a handy hang out for street drinkers. Last time I looked the 'flower garden' on the top looked a right state too.

Are the Brixton Project involved in this? They've usually got their snouts in the trough at these kind of (guffaw) 'community-led initiatives.
And as for public urination, what do they expect?

Lambeth rubber stamp endless new boozy outlets in the Villaaage and elsewhere that stay open late, and there's absolutely nowhere to take a piss before the drinkers trot off to wherever they came from.
And as for public urination, what do they expect?

Lambeth rubber stamp endless new boozy outlets in the Villaaage and elsewhere that stay open late, and there's absolutely nowhere to take a piss before the drinkers trot off to wherever they came from.
All the public pissing I have seen lately has been on Atlantic Road by village goers on their way to the tube.
I don't know what they expected to happen around that monument other than it being a handy hang out for street drinkers. Last time I looked the 'flower garden' on the top looked a right state too.

Are the Brixton Project involved in this? They've usually got their snouts in the trough at these kind of (guffaw) 'community-led initiatives.
"Members of the group include Brixton Society, Black Cultural Archives, West Indian Association of Service Personnel, energy co. Repowering London and The Ritzy."
All the public pissing I have seen lately has been on Atlantic Road by village goers on their way to the tube.
There's plenty of pissing going on all over Brixton, including Windrush Square and the side roads leading off Effra Road/Coldharbour/Atlantic. I often walk through the square around 2am and it can be a grim sight at times. It's also fairly dark by the Saltoun Road/Effra Road corner too so can be a bit intimidating walking past a group of people, and Rushcroft Rd and the library steps remain a hot spot for dodgy dealers/pissers/late night lurkers.
It can be intimidating at night for females trying to walk through/past Windrush Square though.
The lack of light over the winter months was a disgrace and meant it was unsafe (the square) for everyone. The battle to get the light working near the bus stop (which was really a unsafe area at night) was hard and Lambeth were little help.

Most of the lounging around on the memorial is in the day time. I don't think it bothers many apart from Brixton's puritans. Lets not forget that many or most of the street drinkers are barred from a lot of pubs by action or lack of money. Thirty five years ago they would have all been in the Railway on Atlantic Road. There was even a bit of horrible seating for the less than continent.

I would like to see proper benches and flowers myself. So I can sit with friends and pass the time of day.
Most of the lounging around on the memorial is in the day time. I don't think it bothers many apart from Brixton's puritans.
Women getting hassled or feeling intimidated at night has got nothing to do with puritanism. And yes, it bother me when I hear of this happening to friends.
Doesn't it bother you?
Women getting hassled or feeling intimidated at night has got nothing to do with puritanism. And yes, it bother me when I hear of this happening to friends.
Doesn't it bother you?
Women getting hassled is out of order, of course I agree with you on this.
Don't deny though that there has been a continuous campaign against the locals who like a bevy in the square. The seating arrangements were designed to stop people sitting with each other. The memorial allows sitting together.
The lack of light over the winter months was a disgrace and meant it was unsafe (the square) for everyone. The battle to get the light working near the bus stop (which was really a unsafe area at night) was hard and Lambeth were little help.
Truck loads of tourists is the answer.
And as for public urination, what do they expect?

Lambeth rubber stamp endless new boozy outlets in the Villaaage and elsewhere that stay open late, and there's absolutely nowhere to take a piss before the drinkers trot off to wherever they came from.
Does the pop up urinal next to Iceland not work? (Clearly showing how long it is since I was in Brixton town centre at night if it hasn’t worked for years)
Does the pop up urinal next to Iceland not work? (Clearly showing how long it is since I was in Brixton town centre at night if it hasn’t worked for years)
I've rarely seem it working, one is hardly enough anyway for the masses of boozed up people around in the town at night and, of course, women have to pee too.
You can guarantee there'll be vast pots of keeerrrrrCHING! knocking about for selected individuals out of this, with very little consultation offered to the the public who use the square.
I suspect that Lambeth's Event Strategy is coming into play here.

Their consultation posed the not very leading question:
‘In order to try and diversify events income and reduce the pressure on grassed areas, we are proposing to devote more time and effort to marketing non-grass areas such as in and around buildings, town squares and on parts of unused all-weather sports pitches. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this proposal?’
And 71% thought it was a fab idea.

I wonder what the response would have been of they had asked
‘Having focused on increasing the number and size of gated events in our parks, we are now proposing to concentrate on hiring out all other public areas, including sports pitches and town squares, for more frequent and larger commercial events. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this proposal?’
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They won't be able to fence the square in for events, it would be silly. So the community can always try and join in whatever is going on.
They won't be able to fence the square in for events, it would be silly. So the community can always try and join in whatever is going on.
They have had commercial events which enclose large areas of the square. There was the Coors ice bar. And some basketball promo thing. I think they let some school groups in for free at off peak times but it was otherwise ticketed. (Basketball - not the Coors bar!)

There seemed to be some miscommunication about the Coors Light thing - one of the Lambeth licensing team claimed that she had weighed up the health benefits to the community of promoting low alcohol beer. Coors Light may be low on flavour but it is not a low alcohol beer. Clearly not a lot of scrutiny going on...
They have had commercial events which enclose large areas of the square. There was the Coors ice bar. And some basketball promo thing. I think they let some school groups in for free at off peak times but it was otherwise ticketed. (Basketball - not the Coors bar!)

There seemed to be some miscommunication about the Coors Light thing - one of the Lambeth licensing team claimed that she had weighed up the health benefits to the community of promoting low alcohol beer. Coors Light may be low on flavour but it is not a low alcohol beer. Clearly not a lot of scrutiny going on...
Who can forget that monstrosity?


An issue with the Square has been ongoing maintenance.

With all due respect to those who want to " Reclaim the Square" some of the issues outlined in the Brixton Bugle aren't the fault of ASB or skateboarders.

They are down to Lambeth not doing the basic maintenance.

The grass areas and lighting have been poorly maintened.

For example when it was first finished under the steps was attractive strip lighting. This hasn't been fixed for years.

The grass area has been a disgrace.

What concerns me about these well meaning efforts by locals is that the Council thinks it can offload its responsibilities onto unpaid volunteers.

I've seen this happen at Loughborough Park.

What concerns me also is that the funding from Section 106/ CIL is meant as add on not to be used for general maintenance and upkeep.

I remember when the square was developed. TFL and Council. With support from Mayor I think for creating public space. Trouble with all these projects is that no long term plan is built in to maintain them long term.

Whatever one thinks of Ros the very fact that locals have tried to band together to deal with the problems of the square is an indirect condemnation of Lambeth Council for not maintaining it properly. Or having - as with Brixton Rec- a proper team to maintain the assets it has.

Another problem with the Square is the design.

From the beginning their were two contradictory factors to it.

One was making public squares in London. To help make London a more cohesive and social able space to live in.

The other was the Mets "Secured by Design"

Which is why seats were placed in such a way as to be not encouraging people to "congregate".

Also the lack of greenery to give police site lines across the Square.

The whole design ended up as contradicting what the funding of it was for.

This and a lack of planned maintenance has led to its ongoing problems.

I also feel that those who have tried to use it - the skateboarders - have been given a bad press.

As least they tried to make us of it.
An issue with the Square has been ongoing maintenance.

With all due respect to those who want to " Reclaim the Square" some of the issues outlined in the Brixton Bugle aren't the fault of ASB or skateboarders.

They are down to Lambeth not doing the basic maintenance.

The grass areas and lighting have been poorly maintened.

For example when it was first finished under the steps was attractive strip lighting. This hasn't been fixed for years.

The grass area has been a disgrace.

What concerns me about these well meaning efforts by locals is that the Council thinks it can offload its responsibilities onto unpaid volunteers.

I've seen this happen at Loughborough Park.

What concerns me also is that the funding from Section 106/ CIL is meant as add on not to be used for general maintenance and upkeep.

I remember when the square was developed. TFL and Council. With support from Mayor I think for creating public space. Trouble with all these projects is that no long term plan is built in to maintain them long term.

Whatever one thinks of Ros the very fact that locals have tried to band together to deal with the problems of the square is an indirect condemnation of Lambeth Council for not maintaining it properly. Or having - as with Brixton Rec- a proper team to maintain the assets it has.
100 percent.
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