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Role Model


Tipple Ripple
I like harmony, acquiescence, understanding, and appreciation of my personality. However, being a Role Model is not one of my aspirations. We learn and train from others. Then we act on our own in harmony with our environment of baggage and ethics. We may do as others do, emulate or excel.

Traits of a Role Model

Demonstrate confidence and leadership. A good role model is someone who is always positive, calm, and confident in themselves. You don’t want someone who is down or tries to bring you down. Everyone likes a person who is happy with their achievements, but continues to strive for bigger and better objectives.

Don’t be afraid to be unique. Whatever you choose to do with your life, be proud of the person you’ve become, even if that means accepting some ridicule. You want role models who won’t pretend to be someone they are not, and won’t be fake just to suit other people.

Communicate and interact with everyone. People are energized by leaders who explain why and where they are going. Great role models know they have to have a consistent message and business plan, and repeat it over and over again until everyone understands.

Show respect and concern for others. Everyone notices if you are taking people for granted, not showing gratitude, or stepping on others to get ahead.

Be knowledgeable and well rounded. Great role models aren’t just “teachers.” They are constant learners, challenge themselves to get out of their comfort zones, and surround themselves with smarter people. When team members see that their role model can be many things, they will learn to stretch themselves in order to be successful.

Have humility and willingness to admit mistakes. Nobody is perfect. When you make a bad decision, let those who are watching and learning from you know that you made a mistake and how you plan to correct it. By apologizing, accepting accountability, and correcting course, you will be demonstrating an often overlooked part of being a role model.

Do good things outside the job. People who do the work, yet find time for good causes outside of work. Commitment to a good cause implies a strong commitment to the business.

True role models are those who possess the qualities that we would like to have, and those who have affected us in a way that makes us want to be better people. They help us to advocate for ourselves and take a leadership position on the issues that we believe in.

We often don’t recognize true role models until we have noticed our own personal growth and progress. That really implies that it takes one to know one.

The Seven Traits of a Role Model

My image of role model is “a person whose behaviour, example, or success is or can be emulated by others“. Hard act to follow. On that definition, it is hard act to be a role model. No one is flawless and infallible. We can praise some qualities, and acts of others. We cannot emulate other personalities in entirety.

Having read the above treaties, I feel more comfortable with the concept of role model.
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