Plastic Paddy
But of course you Uberdog, and those who agree with your post, aren't interested in exposing the reactionery nature of Catholicism, or the sexual perversion so widespread in its priesthood - but instead are only too keen to pick up on misbehaviour by a small number of criminals within an already demonised ethnic minority, in order to smear the ENTIRE COMMUNTY, and of course follow in the trail of the BNP et al. You see yourselves as standing up against "Liberal moral relativism" . I see you as being strangely SELECTIVE in denouncing particular communities for their undesirable cultural practices and the misbehaviour of just a few. And what underlies that selectivity ? A "falling into line" with the identical selectivity and Islamophobic prejudice of the popular press and the Far Right that's what.
What a load of shit.
After Tories and racists, the Roman Catholic clergy is probably the most frequently vilified group on these boards.