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RIP Nobby (Albert/Railway)

Oh no! He was a constant presence back in the day, haven't seen him much for years but always loved bumping into him on a night out. I know he hadn't been well.

RIP Nobby.
Awful news.

One of the biggest characters in the area.

You couldn’t ignore Nobby. If you were in a boozer and he was nearby, chances are you’d end up chatting, with a high likelihood of spending the evening on the lash, and a realistic possibility of waking up on the same sofa as him and a bunch of randoms.

When his electric bike got stolen a few years back, the community rallied round and raised 3 grand to replace it in a matter of days. I think that’s a good indication of what he meant to people.

Last time i saw him a year or two ago he was living on Tulse Hill high street and he was pretty frail and walking with a stick. I carried his shopping up the stairs for him and helped him into his flat. He was in good spirits.

That was the last time I saw him.

Rest in peace fella. Love to all family and friends. X
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