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Richer Sounds founder hands over control of hi-fi and TV firm to staff

Why would a worker who has just started work for the company expect "a thank you for making the company worth 1.5bn"?

Yes, it's all fucking shit because of capitalism is evil blah blah blah, but I'd wager that all of those workers who got a thousand quid more than if they worked for any other High St coffee shop weren't complaining.

We should be complaining more, not expected to be grateful for the scraps thrown down from the table.
I wouldn't choose them in the wild hope of another big handout. That would be very silly.

I'd join them because their working conditions are miles better than most - certainly better than the sandwich bars I worked in.

*not that I want to work in a sandwich bar again, thanks

Has this put you off sandwiches, or is that some old myth (that I’m possibly mixing up with chocolate factories)?
Good man...


And I like him even more:

Richer Sounds founder hands over control of hi-fi and TV firm to staff
I've always liked richer sounds but now I'm going to buy any audio/visual equipment from them.
Has this put you off sandwiches, or is that some old myth (that I’m possibly mixing up with chocolate factories)?
No, but it reinforced my vegetarianism. Slicing up blood-dripping beef at 7am with a hangover made sure of that.
Snappy. So what do you propose?

What, with most of my working life in retail and some dick like you mugged by the acceptable face of capitalism? Higher salaries, better working conditions, more full-time work available to those who want/need it but less managers (always got the money for those!) No divisions between old/new starters and full and part-time workers in terms of their conditions and potential benefits. More paid breaks. Maybe kill the bosses.
What, with most of my working life in retail and some dick like you mugged by the acceptable face of capitalism? Higher salaries, better working conditions, more full-time work available to those who want/need it but less managers (always got the money for those!) No divisions between old/new starters and full and part-time workers in terms of their conditions and potential benefits. More paid breaks. Maybe kill the bosses.
I was asking about what practical, real world initiatives you've undertaken, not your pie-in-the-sky fantasies of what you'd like to happen sometime, somehow, somewhere. Or have you recently been handing out £1,000 to new employees?

And less of the 'dick' stuff, potty mouth. It was a civil question.
I was asking about what practical, real world initiatives you've undertaken, not your pie-in-the-sky fantasies of what you'd like to happen sometime, somehow, somewhere.

And less of the 'dick' stuff.

Really? This stuff is 'pie-in-sky'? It shows how far we have come when you see the above as that. All the above has once existed and been attacked and eroded over the years. A longer break, more of them paid for is pie in the sky!

But hey ho, the boss is such a great guy, eh?
Oh, I thought you’d asked him what he’d propose. :confused:
I was hoping for some connection with a viable reality. I could shurn out a wish list of what I'd like too - huge wages for everyone etc - but it would be utterly meaningless.
I was hoping for some connection with a viable reality. I could shurn out a wish list of what I'd like too - huge wages for everyone etc - but it would be utterly meaningless.

When you have a greatly reduced amount of all value produced going into wages, and assorted crises that are blamed on lack of economic demand, increasing wages sounds like a pretty solid practical measure, I think.
Ediot thinks that conditions that did indeed exist recently but have been attacked and gotten worse did not exist and could not be part of a viable reality.

Give me a bonus though, good boss. Couple of hundred quid at Xmas.

Couple hundred at Christmas wouldn’t go amiss tbf.
They took ours away for this year. Get it five-yearly now. It just wasn't viable. But thanks for the patronising concern.

When I was a lad...

Yeah, ours went a while back.

Obviously the “not viable” thing is a cipher for “be grateful you still have a job”.
IIRC Richer Sounds usually has smaller shops, a bit away from town centres, and piles it high and sells is possibly cheap? I think they gave good staff bonuses and IIRC Richer's Rolls Royce was a weekend treat for top performing members of staff.
I cannot recommend Richer Sounds enough. When I replaced my HiFi amp I rang the shop in Sheffield and asked if they had one in stock, they confirmed and I drove over.
They told me there was a stock error.
They let me have the next model up that was £230 more and much better than the one I could afford for the price of the amp I rang up about.
First class service and I’ve used them since without any complaints.
Good to hear the gaffer looks after them.
When I was a lad...

Yeah, ours went a while back.

Obviously the “not viable” thing is a cipher for “be grateful you still have a job”.

Really? And I was talking about editor saying increased wages and paid for breaks, better sick pay and holiday entitlement too cannot be part of a viable reality in editor's mind. Be grateful for the bonus though.
When I got my TV I couldn’t fit it in my car (tiny car, had stuff in it, I was being a dumbass), and one of the staff dropped it round on his way back from work and set it up and showed me through a couple of bits of menu which he thought weren’t completely intuitive (which he saw as the only downside of the thing, and had told me about before buying, but it was def the best thing in that price bracket).

I was always amazed they didn’t go out of business because of their store locations.
Really? And I was talking about editor saying increased wages and paid for breaks, better sick pay and holiday entitlement too cannot be part of a viable reality in editor's mind. Be grateful for the bonus though.

They said the factories would all have to close back when people started agitating for an 8 hour day.
Whatever you think of this, the line on the media news is

“He was known for treating his workers well”

And it doesn’t take much thought, surely, as to the real meaning of that. The inverse of which is surely

“Most capitalist bastards do not treat their workers well”

It’s all there, in plain sight. You really don’t even have to look hard.
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