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Renting in Newcastle


I'll do it this afternoon
Does anyone live in the Toon or know it well? I only really know the centre and I'm looking for advice.
I'm wanting to move from Sunderland to Newcastle as I want to cram in as much of the music scene as I can, before I can't physically manage it anymore.
I don't drive due to epilepsy and public transport to Sunderland ends too early (taxi is 40 quid minimum) so my options are limited (did think of buying a motorbike but not sure how licencing works).
So I'm looking for info on areas that are affordable but not a fucking nightmare for asb/crime. I need a 2 bed near public transport, nearer the centre of town the better.

Thanks for any help or advice.

Eta I'm not a snob and I've lived on a council estate all my life but can't be arsed with asb at my age 😂
I should also add I'll still be working in Sunderland for the foreseeable so transport links are important.
Jesmond would give the best connections for the Metro to Sunderland, but can be expensive.

Sandyford and Heaton in the east end are fairly close the city centre and are probably good place to start looking, maybe a bit studenty though. Byker and Walker can be a bit more hit and miss. Arthur's Hill and Fenham in the west end might be worth a look too, but are a bit further away from the city centre.

I'm south of the river, but most people I know who rent are in these areas.
I've been living way outside of Newcastle of Newcastle for a few years now, but from what I recall neonwilderness has it about right.
I'd add in Heaton [near to the Byker area] - and any other areas with quite a lot of Tyneside Flats ...

Basically, I think that you want to be fairly close to the Metro system for your transport needs but despite both of the unis building loads of student flats the students still dominate the market in many of the more economical & ex-social housing areas.

PS I wouldn't bother with getting a m/bike if you don't already drive - way harder than a car ... and after the weather over past couple of winters not the easiest way to get about.
Thank you for the replies. I do know Chilly Road a little bit. Has Walker changed cloudyday as when I used to go there in the late 80s and early 90s it was like the wild west!

I'd definitely prefer the east side. I've got plenty of info to start looking with a bit more certainty now.

As for Byker, I've always thought it was a bit rough but essentially OK. My work pal says its terrifying to walk through which I just didn't understand as that wasn't my experience - then I found out he's from Whitley Bay 😂
The top end of Walker (Walkergate/Wallsend) is probably better than nearer the river, same with Byker.

Somewhere within walking distance of Ouseburn would be good. As mentioned, there’s loads of decent pubs/venues round there. I’d start with Heaton and work your way out from there.
Sandyford still ok for renters. Shieldfield is a dystopian student hellhole. Walker can be ok or terrible. Heaton is ok and supports massive student population. Fenham usually ok but YMMV. It’s cheaper as you move further from the centre but there is a price to pay for that.. best to get a metro day ticket and pootle around to get a feel for each area.
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