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Registered trademark symbol - superscript or not?


The Talibum
The (R) symbol (® or ®) seems to default to the same size as the surrounding text, whereas the TM symbol, (™ ) seems to default to superscript.

I think this may depend on the font.

What do you reckon? Is there a reason for this varying default behaviour? There seems to be a lot of disagreement online about whether it should be superscripted or not.
It should be superscript IMO. There is no rationale behind that opinion other than I think that anything that isn't part of the main text should be superscript to indicate it shouldn't be read as a 'letter'


Oh, and you're wrong you stupid fucker :mad:
It should be superscript IMO. There is no rationale behind that opinion other than I think that anything that isn't part of the main text should be superscript to indicate it shouldn't be read as a 'letter'


Thank you. I disagree, but mainly because superscript was suggested by a colleague of mine that I find irritating.

Oh, and you're wrong you stupid fucker :mad:

It should be superscript IMO. There is no rationale behind that opinion other than I think that anything that isn't part of the main text should be superscript to indicate it shouldn't be read as a 'letter'

And the reduced size is also consistent with the most common usage - logos.





That one is small, isn't it?

It's designed like that to make you overlook it so that you can develop some different toys and put the scalextric logo on them and then they sue your arse

Bwah hahaha and that

fogbat - you're allowing your personal feelings to interfere with a professional judgement *tsk*
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