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Please help me collect postcards

hi everyone,
i have been collecting postcards since i did it as a school project and now years later i have been trying to find places to post threds like this place and hoping to receive postcards from around the world, when i receive them i like to mark it on my world map so i can see my progress.
so i am asking if you have a spare 10 minutes and a spare few pennies i would greatly appreciate if you could send me one and maybe write a small message on.
thank you all so much for your time and look forward to seeing what i get in the post :)
please send private message if interested x
I don't think it's wise to put your address up.

It's probably not the OP's address; it's the address of someone who has slighted him or her and on whom the japester wants to get revenge by causing bile-specked cards and double glazing catalogues and jiffy bags of turds to be sent to her from the whole Internet.
this is not spamming! yes that was the original post we put up when i was at school and i still continue to collect them!
tbh i think it is spamming if you haven;t taken the time to investigate the community that you're giving your address out on. i wouldn't recommend it on here :)
no not any more not since i left school.

and how did you find that post stephj? i didn't know it even existed any more.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the OP has no idea that they've joined a forum frequented by baby-eating anarchists.
FFS if a pickled monkey foetus can receive postcards from urban, surely this basket case can get one or two from us.
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