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Plans to open a disused railway as the “Camden Highline” are approved



This sounds good

Section one, from Camden Gardens, will be reached via a lift or stairs that take you through a tree canopy onto a gantry, offering unique views over the park and of the Victorian railway viaduct. The second phase, to come later will link the Highline to the eastern edge of Agar Estates, and the third phase will take it to Maiden Lane Estates.

The access points to get up to the park, at Camden Gardens, Royal College Street, Camley Street, and York Way, will be fully accessible, with a potential fifth additional stair at St Pancras Way.

The project, which runs alongside the London Overground railway, is set to be built in three sections, beginning at Camden Gardens to Royal College Street, then east to Camley Street, and finally to York Way.

Now that planning permission has been granted for the first stage, as well as keeping up fundraising momentum, the Camden Highline charity is looking for major donors to come on board to support with the £14m cost of the first section of the project, and get construction work underway.

More - Camden Highline
Sounds good. The picture would be easier to understand if it was laid out north/south. Minor gripe.
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