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Pitch invasions


Well-Known Member
With the season almost over and title and relegation battle come to a conclusion there is worry of more pitch invasions and some think the pitch invasions will get more serious and dangerous if it carry on, but why are they so many pitch invasions this season what has caused people to do it?

If pitch invasions continue what can the fa do could we see fines, play games behind closed doors or even points deductions?

Is anyone worry if these invasions continue next season that someone going to get hurt and why cant security or the police stop in the first place?

And could we see the return of the fences to stop themL
Fences will never return, echoes of Hillsborough for starters.

I dunno....I've run on the pitch before, a few times in fact. It's never been in anger, always in joy at a promotion gained or a cup win.

Mass pitch invasions are hard to stop. The odd individual should be able to be bent up by a steward or copper but that becomes nigh on impossible when you're talking about a few thousand pouring on at once. I would think that if you get involved in any aggro like last nigh at Everton then you'd face a charge of affray or public disorder. I'd attach a rider to it that if you get nicked on the pitch then automatic lifetime ban.
There's lots of talk about "paying games behind closed doors" but why not simply play no game behind open doors - a full stadium of spectators but no game. People will soon get bored of such events and not bother showing up.
Should have added, properly trained stewards as opposed to bored, semi conscious knobheads who ain't worth their wages
Often they're just students trying to earn a few quid, hired through an agency. They're got going to get involved and risk getting hurt for minimum wage.
Once at Reading's old ground I went over the wall, and was confronted by a petite, five foot nothing young woman in a hi-vis with her arms outstretched, trying to block me. Trying not to look threatening, I just smiled,and said "really?" and she just shrugged and stepped aside.

"Do you want some? I'll give it to ya!" Bloke looks like a right cock.

On the point of the OP.

I don't think there's any place in the modern game for pitch invasions. It's not like the romantic undertones of 1966 "There's people on the pitch...." or Escape to Victory lifting Pele aloft when there thousands of coked-up and drunk dickheads acting agressively towards sportsmen playing sport.

Standing terraces, crush-barriers and perimeter fences were taken away because men, women and children died behind them. Fans were treated in an inhumane way in the days before those things were removed and there were more than enough disasters at supposedly fun sporting spectator events. Clearly folk forget why you can access the pitch, it's for your safety not your place of expression. A return to those days and spectators being treated in a sub human way because of the behaviour of a few would be a catastrophic reversal of the work of fans since the 90's.

I think clubs should be docked points and fans should lose their season tickets and the right to attend a game. If you've been found to invade the pitch you're in breach of contract of your ticket and ejectable and banned. It's a mass breaking of those rules because they think the authorities wont be able to do anything about it because of the numbers. If they did it wouldn't happen again. It's easy for clubs to identify who went on from which seat via CCTV and if they want to do something about it it's very easy for them to do that retrospectively, but they wont because it will hit them in the turnstile receipts.

It's against the law to go onto the playing field of a football ground for reasons I'd rather not witness again in my lifetime.

The dickheads who do should be ashamed of themselves. If my team was finishing 5th from bottom I'd be going home quietly and not making much of a fuss about it.
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There's lots of talk about "paying games behind closed doors" but why not simply play no game behind open doors - a full stadium of spectators but no game. People will soon get bored of such events and not bother showing up.
For some clubs supporters though that's what it's like even when the team comes out the tunnel which I suppose why Everton fans got over excited last night. Their team actually came out and played last night.
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I LOVE a good old fashion celebratory pitch invasion but these fucking dipshit morons who go around hitting/harassing players and staff should get a zillion year football ban and a public debagging. And loads more punishments that I can't think of right now.

I think it's important to say that pitch invasions can be a very powerful tool if your club is being screwed over or something. Look at Brighton in the 90s for example.
I think some kind of pitch barrier will be sadly returning, it was good while it lasted. They still have fences in Germany.

For the record it was the vertical 'pen' fences that caused Hillsborough.
I don't think there's any place in the modern game for pitch invasions. It's not like the romantic undertones of 1966 "There's people on the pitch...." or Escape to Victory lifting Pele aloft when there thousands of coked-up and drunk dickheads acting agressively towards sportsmen playing sport.

Standing terraces, crush-barriers and perimeter fences were taken away because men, women and children died behind them. Fans were treated in an inhumane way in the days before those things were removed and there were more than enough disasters at supposedly fun sporting spectator events. Clearly folk forget why you can access the pitch, it's for your safety not your place of expression. A return to those days and spectators being treated in a sub human way because of the behaviour of a few would be a catastrophic reversal of the work of fans since the 90's.

I think clubs should be docked points and fans should lose their season tickets and the right to attend a game. If you've been found to invade the pitch you're in breach of contract of your ticket and ejectable and banned. It's a mass breaking of those rules because they think the authorities wont be able to do anything about it because of the numbers. If they did it wouldn't happen again. It's easy for clubs to identify who went on from which seat via CCTV and if they want to do something about it it's very easy for them to do that retrospectively, but they wont because it will hit them in the turnstile receipts.

It's against the law to go onto the playing field of a football ground for reasons I'd rather not witness again in my lifetime.

The dickheads who do should be ashamed of themselves. If my team was finishing 5th from bottom I'd be going home quietly and not making much of a fuss about it.
Load of fucking shite.
Very kind of you, thanks.

Now fuck off hey.
Loads of great reasons for pitch invasions, but as a fan of one of the big six, I wouldn't expect you to have a clue about the joy of being a proper football fan.

tonysingh has it right. Bans for people found guilty of assault or similar on a football pitch and let everyone else have their fun/protest.
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