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Pig toilets


Well-Known Member
I've heard about these from friends who travelled to Goa back in the day, although I understand that they're becoming a rarity now.

I was watching Bruce Parry on The Tribe last night and he went and stayed with some people in india who had a pig toilet.

It was like a thatched hut with a toilet seat and down below, underneath the seat, lived a pig who danced around enthusiastically waiting to eat turds when mr parry went to avail himself of the facilities.

Now this particular pig lived it's whole life in this hut eating turds. It looked happy and healthy, it was in fact a very cute black and white pig with an inquisitive face and a very merry style of prancing around.

The idea that it lived on a diet of turds was something I found a bit disturbing. Not least because 'toilet pig' is the most prized meat among these particular people and mr parry commented that, although he didn't realise it at the time, the big meal they had shared on the day of his arrival, had been a feast of toilet pig.

While he stayed with these very warm and hospitable people he was also treated to a feast of rat pie (he said that it tasted OK but smelled like a cross between death and a toilet) so perhaps he should have been grateful for the toilet pig meal?

Now, while I find the idea a bit yuck, I can also see how this is a very environmentally friendly way of dealing with human waste.

Friends who've been doing the goa thing for years have reported that, if it wasn't for the pigs being allowed to run around freely eating turds the streets and beaches would be covered in human waste.

So I have a few questions about this. Firstly, I don't understand a) how can the pigs that live their entire lives in a toilet hut get enough nutirents from human turds to live and be healthy? and b) why don't they get sick? Surely it can't bee good for any creature other them perhaps a fly, to eat turds?

The other question I'm tempted to ask after carefully avoiding the mountains of dog turds that litter the parks and pavements of camden and kentish town is should camden council introduce toilet pigs on leashes to clean up thje streets of camden?

Incidentally, I strongly advise against doing a google search for 'toilet pig'. It's not what you want to see first thing on a sunday morning (or actually at any time) :eek:

having searched for pig toilet I found this pic of a comaritively up-market one in india

also I want to know if there are any health risks associated with eating toilet pig meat.

If not I have a proposal.

In the latest issue of the camden new journal there was a big scandal about camden council spending thousands of pounds on a send off for dame juila roberts while it is making massive cuts in the funding of nurseries and community and play centers.

If they started fattening up toilet pigs now, by sending them out to clean up the streets of camden, the pigs should be sufficiently fat to provide a massive feast for all the councilors (Jews and Muslims excepted of course) by the time they need to have a big goodbye bash for Ms Roberts' successor.

An ecologically sound method of hygenic waste disposal, and a big feast for councilors without the need to spend massive sums of money on food!

Everyone wins :)
i did the very same thing in goa, i feasted on pig for two days then went and used one of these toilets that are up some steps, i didn't know the pig was there until i felt it's breath on my backside. after i recovered my composure and shit on the pig i never ate any more, can't think why most hindus are vegetarian.
it was a little off-putting at times. the pigs see you going towards the door of the toilet and they head to the chute at the back. you're squatting away and look down to see their snouts in position. sometimes a fat turd lands on their nose

then you go straight down to the beach to have some of those delicious goan sausages that have a delightful spicy tang to them

tbh the fact that i was eating the pig who'd been eating my (and everyone elses shit) didn't bother me at all. if you're on the road in india for a while, your notions of what is normal get turned shaken about

i can't see it's any worse than the meat we eat here being pumped full of antibiotics
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