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People who travel on trains spreading disease? Poll!


  • Cunts

  • Massive cunts

  • Selfish cunts

  • Absolute fucking cunts

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Yeah, they should be nailed shut in their houses and a big red x-painted on the doors. And as for the disabled, they should know their place shouldn't be allowed out upsetting decent people like your good self.
In one way, selfish
but I accept that, sadly, some [many] employers are even bigger cunts by forcing people to attend work when they are ill / infectious.

I will tend towards being more relaxed about this, preferring staff not attend if they would be spreading whatever lurgy that they have to the other staff.
Someone who is ill would not be working at their best, anyway !
I would appreciate it if said member of staff offers to "make up" time when they have appointments for dr, dentist etc.

However, if someone takes the p155 and abuses my tolerance then they had better watch out !
Easy to moan but very few on a train wears a mask anymore so I'm equally concerned about smug asymptomatic arseholes.
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