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Patrick Mercer deserves his own thread

I tried to find evidence that he was one of the "there's no parliamentary time for gay marriage" tories, as that would have been so sweet, but no such luck. He's a just a cunt.
Mercer would be proud; a third dedicted thread, and a (dis)honourable mention in at least one other.
Saw a voxpop about him on the local news where they interviewed about 6 people and they were all positive despite knowing what happened, wtf?
Still staying as an MP though. Which is nice.

Missed this earlier: it's his last duty to his fellow MPs, isn't it? Heaven forfend that an anti-corruption candidate get elected to expose the snouts at the trough!
Check this out, first of many apparently.

Such a shame that there isnt an easily available way - such as a register perhaps - of lobbyists that MPs can go and check to see if the people who have been paying them money for questions, access, passes and whatnot are hacks or not.
It's going to be a good test of the BBC's alleged bias as to how many of each party were approached.

TBH the whole question of MPs being bent isnt really that important (which is best evidenced by the relatively tiny sums that were on offer to Mercer), its ex-ministers and especially the senior civil servants who are the real area of concern.
TBH the whole question of MPs being bent isnt really that important (which is best evidenced by the relatively tiny sums that were on offer to Mercer), its ex-ministers and especially the senior civil servants who are the real area of concern.

Select committee members (and certainly chairs) are worth corrupting. I agree that backbenchers are a waste of money otherwise. It's interesting that there haven't been any major access scandals yet involving SPADs - young, greedy and in an excellent position to influence minor policy or procurement issues.
TBH the whole question of MPs being bent isnt really that important (which is best evidenced by the relatively tiny sums that were on offer to Mercer),

I disagree; I think it is that important.

its ex-ministers and especially the senior civil servants who are the real area of concern.

Mercer is an ex-minister, but yes, that's important too.
TBH the whole question of MPs being bent isnt really that important (which is best evidenced by the relatively tiny sums that were on offer to Mercer), its ex-ministers and especially the senior civil servants who are the real area of concern.

The problem is that a lot of the corruption that actually occurs is completely legal so no-one cares about it. The Tories do not want to properly legislate against lobbying because then we can see all the legal stuff that they do (the dinners, the people, etc).
Tip of the iceberg.

£100k to £250k buys policy influence, as previously solicited and filmed by the Sunday Times.

Like Mercer, the bloke stepped down coz it looks awkward.

What it speaks of is systemic corruption. Every major bill and contract of this parliament should be under independent scrutiny for corruption, with a view to possible prosecutions.

This is in no way an exaggeration.

Guess what? Mark is angry


A monkey for 1/2 a day, with numerous meetings beforehand to secure it. FFS, embarrassed at how cheap our corrupt politicos are.
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