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Pathalogic 2, anyone played this?


Its sunny somewhere.
I somehow stumbled on these YouTube videos that go over this game in the sort of detail I don't think another game has ever come close.
The reviews are 45+ minutes long and they say:
'The review took me 3 weeks to create'
'I'm just touching the surface'
'The most incredible game ever made'
'True genius'

One interesting aspect of this game, its played in real-time, over 12 days. So if you miss an event, you miss it until you restart and play again, need to choose what you want to do carefully..
I'm unsure how I feel about this. I think I might give it a go. But I also feel it might be a bit impenetrable and I'll get bored.

Here is a (1 hour) review, there are others and they are similar
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