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Help OSX (Monterey) questions


Pleomorphic Adenomas R us
This may be a short thread, but I kept the title wide as others may have general OSX questions

Getting weird behaviour in Safari (15.1) on Monterey
When I left click on a link (some not all) then, instead of going to that reference, Safari opens a new tab (showing start page).
Similarly - whereas before, If I clicked on a download file link, it would download said file to my downloads folder. Now I get the start page in a new tab

Tried Dr Google but haven't found out where the relevant options are so I can go back to the old way (from last weeks OS)
Any pointers gratefully received as it is a relative PITA to have to right click and then select open link or download linked file etc. (first world problems, I realise)
Hmm, that doesn't sound like a feature or a standard browser option. It sounds like a bug, especially if it doesn't happen all the time and does so when you right click on both links and downloads.
TBF - I'm not sure that it is intermittent - more that I haven't yet workout the use cases when it exhibits behaviour A or behaviour B
Ive been using Monterey solidly all day for weeks and havent ecperienced that at all. It almost sounds like the sort of thing you'd get if a key was stuck down, but then the only keys I know that would alter link clicking behaviour would cause the link to open in a new tab (not just a start page in a new tab) or would download the contents of the linked page. Likewise clicking with third/middle mouse button would also open link in a new tab, not just give you a start page tab. And it would be the command + T key that gives you a new tab with start page.
Does installing Monterey delete any of my settings or folders etc? Is it safe to install yet do you think? I've been holding off because I don't really know much about mac stuff.
Does installing Monterey delete any of my settings or folders etc?
(Basically) No.

It might move some deep systems folders to a "Relocated Files" folder but from the front end you should not see any real issues. Installing it did mean I had to go back and re pick my wallpapers but that was basically it.
(Basically) No.

It might move some deep systems folders to a "Relocated Files" folder but from the front end you should not see any real issues. Installing it did mean I had to go back and re pick my wallpapers but that was basically it.
Many thanks!
No worries.
As to whether it is worth doing it, probably at some stage but there is no need to rush. I really struggle of things of points of difference between my laptop (BigSur) and iMac (Monterey).
No worries.
As to whether it is worth doing it, probably at some stage but there is no need to rush. I really struggle of things of points of difference between my laptop (BigSur) and iMac (Monterey).
Cool. I'm not in any urgent hurry really and I'm still new to mac so any differences probably won't be much of an issue for me at this stage I reckon.
Did you ever fix this?
Thanks for asking. (and thanks others for the suggestions - apologies for neglecting to pop back to thank earlier)
Seems fine now - Suspect it probably was a stuck key problem on an external keyboard (facepalm)
Although how it replicated cmd+T I can't fathom

If it wasn't stuck key then it could be either of
1) update to latest Monterey / safari fixed a bug
2) As a true apple consumer I was obviously doing it wrong and have now unknowingly reprogrammed my brain to adopt to the Apple way

FWIW in trying to test just now I have discovered a number of exciting shortcuts in safari (cmd click, shift click, ctrl click, option click) - which I promptly forgot as soon as I had discovered them

Whilst investigating before Christmas, I also stumbled on a couple of free apps, that may be of interest to others, if they don't already know:
Rectangle - allows key shortcuts to rearrange windows easily
Cheatsheat - which brings up a shortcut cheat sheet if you hold the cmd key down for a few seconds (although it doesn't show the button+click shortcuts
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