Nino: Yes, the President also faces criminal charges but the P.M. is indeed, sadly, also facing a slew himself.
I have not had time to peruse the entire thread but I also thought to myself after I posted that I had made a mistake that I am not sure if others saw [which would be shocking] and that is that we sit in SOUTH west, not northwest Asia...just for teh record.
Grandma Death: Your nasty vocabulary aside [and still intact], you will have it when I have time. I would point out that you are nitpicking at things that really do not have anything to do with anything [save perhaps ISM's integrity which YOU might feel the need to defend] but that as a point of accuracy, if asked, I do my best to provide what is asked. In case it has not hit you yet, I [unlike you apprently] have commitments to which I must devote most of my attention [for about 4 more days]. Hopefully in the coming days I can provide you with the 3 things you asked for and you can then move onto other expletive laden obsessions.
Panda: I should not even lower myself to the same old games but if you would, please provide an example of my lying...unless you literally mean that my posts are often challenged, in which case of course I agree [I must say that my English often suprises me with how well I have learned more and more, which is strange I would think since I am not in a place where it is spoken by everyone].
Not as corrupt as the US? Have you even ever visited it Panda? I am no fan of America but you are definitely incorrect in that regard. I do think that all political systems suffer from corruption though. As for the rest of America I think that it is pretty rare to find corrupt doctors, police, etc.
Lobster: Anything that the UN claims with regard to Israel and Human Rights should be used to line bird cages. Their supposedly "reformed" Human Rights section only dealt with 6 cases in its first 6 months and all but one was obsessed with Israel. When one reads other sources one finds that on a universal scale Israel consistently comes out pretty clean. I remember the universal scale by an independant consultancy that provides a rating to world financial concerns [and is treasured like a Bible to alot of Western Governments] rates Israel 8.5 on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the higest. It has never rated below 8. Most other barmoeters place a similar rating on Israel.
The UN is merely the sum of its members and when there 22 Arab Govts. plus the PA, and another 33 mostly Islamic nations enjoying membership it is not exactly an unbiased source of information on Israel.
It should also be noted, that in from 93 to 2003, Israel has had more than 300,000 Arabs ILLEGALY immigrate to Israel and the so called "Territories." We also have almost a million legal Arab CITIZENS ...ALL of whom CHOOSE to live here. Unlike our neighbours, we do not prevent people from leaving, etc. if they so desire.
Were Israel to be the violator that the UN claims, the preceeding FACTS would hardly happen.
Israel supported South Africa during its racist years? Yes, it did, but not the racist policies. Alliances between nations are never based on solely on ideological values but on intersecting objectives. In this case I cannot offer you the most common shared objective because of my position but it is easily surmised.
Dandred: I agree [smile] that we have no place in Eurovision but I find it telling of our tolerance that a noted winner of the contest was an Israeli transexual.
As for neighbours, it is not Israel that will not play but the neighbours who bow out. Actually we have official peace with Egypt and Jordan so it is not altogether like that.
Moono: Football not popular? If you mean the American sport of course. If you mean what Americans call "soccer" though you have no idea what you are talking about. In both Israel and the envisioned "Palestine" football is tops. Actually in Israel people might argue that basketball is the most popular. It certainly is in the yeshiva world.