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"Offensive Behaviour at Football" bill

doesn't seem to me it would stop the famous chant heard at football matches the length and breadth of the country: the referee's a wanker.
Christ has anyone read this?


It hasnt passed into law, but I read it as a bloody wide scope.

Anyone with a bit more knowledge of Scots law than me able to show me how section 4 of part I would not mean hurling abuse at England online for a bit of ABE banter would not be covered?

You're down south, ie in London or near at the moment aren't you?

As for the proposed bill, err yes it's not news to those of us up here.
doesn't seem to me it would stop the famous chant heard at football matches the length and breadth of the country: the referee's a wanker.

But the ref usually is a wanker. Certainly at the matches I've been to. Mind you that was for Aberdeen matches, so that was usually drowned out by chants of 'you're only sheep shagging bastards' from the other team's supporters :D
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