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O/T K's off to Tooting

Roger D

Well-Known Member
The sad decline of long term rivals Kingstonian appears to be accelerating as they move out of the borough.

DHFC's own liamdhfc getting a shout out.

The Kingstonian scum not coming out of it so well.

Still the Womble / Chelsea blood money slowly running out.


Who owns Imperial Fields then? Presumably T&M must have a strong security of tenure that other users don't, so are not at risk of being gazzumped like seemingly Tooting Bec have been?
Who owns Imperial Fields then? Presumably T&M must have a strong security of tenure that other users don't, so are not at risk of being gazzumped like seemingly Tooting Bec have been?

I can’t say I know for sure. But believe the owner of Venereal Fields also owns T**ting & Mitscum.

So its as secure as the owner.
I can’t say I know for sure. But believe the owner of Venereal Fields also owns T**ting & Mitscum.

So its as secure as the owner.

Bit odd then that Tooting Bex are praising T&M then, as seemingly they've been dumped in exchange for a better offer / bigger team? I'm sure Liam can explain further...
Bit odd then that Tooting Bex are praising T&M then, as seemingly they've been dumped in exchange for a better offer / bigger team? I'm sure Liam can explain further...

Believe Steve Adkins was Chairman of Tooting but has stood down, and owns the company that has the sports complex.

Not sure if he was the owner or is still the owner, as you say Liam will know.
I like Kingstonian as im from the area, it was actually the first team i ever went to see when i was about 5. I used to go during their 'glory days' or the late 90s when they had Geoff Chapple as manager, it was a shame to see them have to leave Kingsmeadow, and being pushed out of the borough is another blow for them i suppose. Im not sure how Kingston council allowed a team from the borough's ground to be taken over first by a team from Merton and then another from even further away in Hammersmith and Fulham.
Yup that was K's. He'd been winding them up celebrating a goal - not noticing it had been disallowed. He ran and hid behind the rabble, chased by two rather large K's fans.

The rabble basically told the K's fans to ignore him. The club received several phone calls the following week from K's fans praising the rabble. Which made a change from the league phoning up to fine or warn the club for some rabble antic or other.

He wasn't impressed and had a go at the rabble for failing to back him up. At which point Mishi told him where to go.
I like Kingstonian as im from the area, it was actually the first team i ever went to see when i was about 5. I used to go during their 'glory days' or the late 90s when they had Geoff Chapple as manager, it was a shame to see them have to leave Kingsmeadow, and being pushed out of the borough is another blow for them i suppose. Im not sure how Kingston council allowed a team from the borough's ground to be taken over first by a team from Merton and then another from even further away in Hammersmith and Fulham.
I have some sympathy, Jim, but there's another way to look at it. Their end-of-millenium success was down to the same dodgy owner who financially doped them ultimately leading to administration and all that followed.

They sold the ground to Wimbledon (and I'm no great fan of theirs) to survive, knowing that eventually the problem would come back when the Wombles delivered on their long-stated intention to get back to Merton.

It seems ridiculously short-sighted that Ks didn't immediately start cutting their cloth to put them in a much better position to be ready for that inevitably. Even now it seems that they have chosen to spend from their Wimbledon pay-off pot to put out sides who should be pushing for promotion instead of ring-fencing it towards a ground of their own.

Instead there still seems to be a bit of a "we're a big club, we are" vibe about them which seems to be borne out of that late 90s success, which, as I say, was the trigger for the death spiral they appear to still be in.

I find some of their fans profoundly tedious but I don't wish bad things for them (mostly). It just feels that their perennial victims stance has all got a bit old.
From memory K's didn't sell the ground. After they entered administration the club and ground were bought out by one owner. That owner subsequently separated the ground from the football side and sold the two separately.

Which is pretty much what happened at Hamlet and why we don't own a ground. The only real difference is the Hamlet owners sold up without an administrator involved.
yes, i was only a kid at the time, but from what i remember they were bought by a dodgy local businessman who basically sold the ground, kept the cash and done one.
From memory K's didn't sell the ground. After they entered administration the club and ground were bought out by one owner. That owner subsequently separated the ground from the football side and sold the two separately.

Which is pretty much what happened at Hamlet and why we don't own a ground. The only real difference is the Hamlet owners sold up without an administrator involved.
Fair point about who sold Kingsmeadow but the Khosla family were only in a position to do that because of the previous board spending money they didn't have in pursuit of trophies and life in the Conference. I wouldn't see too many parallels with the Hamlet. They had a decent ground which was barely ten years old and decent crowds but they chose to over-extend themselves. Actually, not themselves, the club.

The Khoslas paid £500k for the club and the ground lease. Considering the restrictions on land use I imagine they could barely believe their carpetbagging luck when Wimbledon offered them just shy of £2.5 million for the lease.

Bottom line though is that Ks have had 20 years since then to get their act together. In that time they had 15 years of free and peppercorn rent, a cool £1m from Wimbledon borne out of a combination of guilt and the fee for breaking the landlord/tenant agreement, and an actual local councillor in their ranks. The supporters have also chosen not to take ownership of the club on more than one occasion but, as ever, their ongoing predicament is always somebody else's fault.

I hope they sort themselves out but there doesn't seem to be much indication that they will. So many opportunities to cut their cloth accordingly and secure a long-term future and yet it appears to me that they chose instead to bury their heads in the sand for way too long.
Fair point about who sold Kingsmeadow but the Khosla family were only in a position to do that because of the previous board spending money they didn't have in pursuit of trophies and life in the Conference. I wouldn't see too many parallels with the Hamlet. They had a decent ground which was barely ten years old and decent crowds but they chose to over-extend themselves. Actually, not themselves, the club.

The Khoslas paid £500k for the club and the ground lease. Considering the restrictions on land use I imagine they could barely believe their carpetbagging luck when Wimbledon offered them just shy of £2.5 million for the lease.

Bottom line though is that Ks have had 20 years since then to get their act together. In that time they had 15 years of free and peppercorn rent, a cool £1m from Wimbledon borne out of a combination of guilt and the fee for breaking the landlord/tenant agreement, and an actual local councillor in their ranks. The supporters have also chosen not to take ownership of the club on more than one occasion but, as ever, their ongoing predicament is always somebody else's fault.

I hope they sort themselves out but there doesn't seem to be much indication that they will. So many opportunities to cut their cloth accordingly and secure a long-term future and yet it appears to me that they chose instead to bury their heads in the sand for way too long.

Plus how they have treated all their landlords to date, whether it be Leatherhead (rude) or Corinthian-Casuals (incredibly rude), yet they are still moaning about casuals “turning down money”.

Unbelievable all round.
Plus how they have treated all their landlords to date, whether it be Leatherhead (rude) or Corinthian-Casuals (incredibly rude), yet they are still moaning about casuals “turning down money”.

Unbelievable all round.
Always taking the landlords’ side. 😉
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