High Voltage
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This is either going to be super easy (and you'll all laugh) or impossible (and you'll all laugh)
Is it possible, in numbers, to put either a Y or a N in a cell and depending what is put in that cell to populate a different cell with one of two numbers to be used in a calculation
I'm trying to refine a very basic form that inputs width and height dimensions in mms, converts them to inches, rounds that answer up to one decimal place, then calculates the total square inch area - I've got this working
What I want to do is have another cell with a yes / no "thing" and depending on the Y or N this would then add either 65mm or 25mm to the width and height dimensions
Is it possible, in numbers, to put either a Y or a N in a cell and depending what is put in that cell to populate a different cell with one of two numbers to be used in a calculation
I'm trying to refine a very basic form that inputs width and height dimensions in mms, converts them to inches, rounds that answer up to one decimal place, then calculates the total square inch area - I've got this working
What I want to do is have another cell with a yes / no "thing" and depending on the Y or N this would then add either 65mm or 25mm to the width and height dimensions