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Question Numbers question - can a yes / no answer be used to select a number

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This is either going to be super easy (and you'll all laugh) or impossible (and you'll all laugh)

Is it possible, in numbers, to put either a Y or a N in a cell and depending what is put in that cell to populate a different cell with one of two numbers to be used in a calculation

I'm trying to refine a very basic form that inputs width and height dimensions in mms, converts them to inches, rounds that answer up to one decimal place, then calculates the total square inch area - I've got this working

What I want to do is have another cell with a yes / no "thing" and depending on the Y or N this would then add either 65mm or 25mm to the width and height dimensions

Is it possible, in numbers, to put either a Y or a N in a cell and depending what is put in that cell to populate a different cell with one of two numbers to be used in a calculation

I'm trying to refine a very basic form that inputs width and height dimensions in mms, converts them to inches, rounds that answer up to one decimal place, then calculates the total square inch area - I've got this working

What I want to do is have another cell with a yes / no "thing" and depending on the Y or N this would then add either 65mm or 25mm to the width and height dimensions

Is "Numbers" an Excel thing?

If not, would someone please be good enough to enlighten me?
Nope numbers is the Mac equivalent of excel

Some of the answers given I’m pretty sure I’ve tried and “it” doesn’t like the use of a Y

But I’ll try again when I get home
In Excel I’d use a drop down menu for Yes or No then an If (D4“Yes”, D2+35, blah blah) . Would spend up data entry and also avoid case issues.

I'd agree.

If you leave it as free field, some people will type any of Y, y, yes, Yes (and equivalents for no) or any old cobblers instead. Or might put a space before or after the Y.

At the very least, have something that comes up with an error message if they put something not valid there.
Fair points those - I've only ever done spreadsheets for my own use, and even then I do sometimes forget about minor points like case.
Traditionally, input validation/sanity checking has no place in Excel! :p
Yes, spend 5 minutes on that and two hours on choosing the colours for conditional formatting to make sure it looks pretty was always my excel way.

Plus hiding derisive messages about the colleagues who asked me to make them spread sheets because they were too lazy to learn to do it themselves …
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