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NozStock, The Hidden Valley: Thu 21st Jul to Sun 25th, 2022

William of Walworth

This will be a new festival to us, but we've heard lots of positive stuff :)

And now that a very varied and interesting line-up has just been announced, we're definitely now up for it :cool:

I'm posting this for awareness, but also to ask whether any other Urbans are planning on going?
And what are peoples' experiences of past ones?? :confused:

We like the fact that this fest is just North of Bromyard, Herefordshire -- that is not too stupidly far a van-drive from Swansea :)

We were also reassured to see that Wye Valley Brewery (near Hereford) will be sponsoring the beer tent :D

Anyway, your thoughts? :)
I went last year for the first time with my mates.

My take was that it is a decent festival. It has the slick operation of something that has been going for years and knows its stuff combined with a slightly chaotic underbelly (try ordering a drink from the bar after a certain time at night, the bar staff are all gibbering wrecks).

Very chilled and laid back security.

Its a very beautiful site, very undulating and lots of different areas for such a small festival. The crowd were generally quite young but a decent smattering of older types (like me and you Will) there as well. I think you'll enjoy it but I was a little disappointed with the line-up this year so probably won't be back.

ETA: I should warn you they still dedicate an area to psy-trance. Mercifully its tucked away in the far corner of the site so as not to pollute the experience for everyone else.
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:cool: :) Cheers to editor for shifting this thread to the right forum :oops:
Cheers as well to Teaboy for that positive sounding account :)

Here are the proper NozStock links :
Home page : Nozstock: The Hidden Valley - Festival
Facebook page :

And a proper-size line-up poster -- I'm none too bothered about the small number of big names as I've never seen Bill Bailey live and that prospect excites me :cool:. Also, there's a fair few small bands that I know and like from other festivals :):




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Sadly, Nozstock 2022 clashes with one of Gail Something Else's that we're committed to this year ..... frustrating!

I'd love to go to this though, and may well attempt to next year :)

(Report back please, Crispy and others! :cool: )
Sadly, Nozstock 2022 clashes with one of Gail Something Else's that we're committed to this year ..... frustrating!

I'd love to go to this though, and may well attempt to next year :)

(Report back please, Crispy and others! :cool: )
.... and now, for various reasons ( :( ), we're no longer committed to Gail's Fest.

But my main issue in getting to NozStock would be transport, at this late stage! :thumbsdown:

Highly frustrating at this late stage, especially given the very good weather in prospect ..... :facepalm:
I might even be going to NozStock 2022 now!! :)

At extreme late-notice, I emailed the organisers and on disability grounds -- my feet! :eek: --I pleaded for some chance of a pre-set-up tent to be made available for me.

It seems the 'Accessibility Manager" ( :oldthumbsup: ) will contact me very soon -- hopefully today -- I'll phone the Fest if I need to.

Fingers crossed!! :thumbs:
Well, the above "plan" was a nice hope, but I left it too bloody late! </ :mad: at self!>

NozStock's Accessability Manager (who has Urban connectiions, as it turned out! ;) ) got back to me yesterday to disappoint me with the news that all pre-set-up on-site camping was throughly booked! :(, and despite having lots of sympathy for my disabled situation, the Festival was entirely unable to accomodate me! :(

Enjoy it all, those who do go -- please report back, Crispy ? :)

Looks like I'll revert to my original idea for this weekend -- a day-trip to Bristol and its excellent pubs and beers :D :thumbs: :beer:

At least I'll save money! :eek: :)
We went at the weekend - my first festival since 1995 (bar and food prices have been significantly upgraded since then).

Really enjoyed it, as did our 13 year old. Agree about the security staff - everyone was really friendly. Can't say the music was really my style but we had a lot of fun.
I went quite a long time ago and didn’t really get on with it. I stewarded for them and didn’t enjoy that, and had a run in with some scousers over a hat, and again, didn’t really enjoy that…….

But it does always look good
I went again (third time) and had a fantastic time. Went with some mates who hadn't been before and we will all be going back next year.

I must say the stewards were the most helpful and friendly I've ever encountered... not only did they let me save a space for my mates in the live-in vehicle field (something that rarely seems to happen these days) they later then let me move my van to another field during the busiest time (opening gates and stopping the traffic so i could drive tbrough)as when my mates turned up, the steward at the time thought the gate had been locked (it hadn't, he'd just hooked the padlock on it) so sent they ended up in a different field.
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