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Question Nintendo 3DS Games

I was a life long member of the PC gaming master race until a short while ago when I decided I really needed some more Nintendo in my life.

I was never big into console gaming. I did have a sega master system but I got it at the end of it's life cycle so only had three games for it. One of my mates had a SNES and I remember loving it and getting the SNES d-pad blister from playing street fighter II.

later in life I got into emulated gaming and fell in love with classic SNES JRPGs.
Final Fantasy (the good old ones), Breath of Fire (mainly II. Katt and Nina <3), Chrono Trigger, Dragon Quest (you would not believe the amount of DQ porn there is online, only FFVII can compete), Secret of Mana, llusion of Gaia, Tales of Phantasia.
These are all amazing games and are still worth playing.

I of course also loved the SNES version of Mario Kart. I like the idea of racing games but the only ones I have fallen in love with are Mario Kart and Star wars pod racer (I got the PC version but I hear the N64 version was good too).

Last year I thought it might be cool to do some gaming with my students and when I thought about it the best choice was obviously getting a Wii U and doing a Mario Kart tournament. Sure the students should probably like it but even if they didn't me and my boss would play the shit out of it. (we did already have an Xbone but frankly neither of us could muster any passion for it)

I immediately decided to got for it and got myself a Wii U Mario Kart edition. I also got a bunch of pro controllers as well as splatoon and smash brothers.

It was a resounding success.

The experience was so good I even got one for my mate as a present.

There aren't that many games for the system but it says a lot for quality over quantity.
Mario Kart, Hyrule warriors, Splatoon, Zelda Windwaker HD, Super Mario 3D World, Super Smash Bros. All excellent games.

Shit I even got myself some Nintendo Hanafuda.

So now I'm looking to branch out. I'm going to get myself a 3DSXL for Xmass and i want to know what people thought on the best games for it are.

I am certainly going to get one of the latest pokemon games. I remember testing out yellow to see what the fuss was and suddenly looking up and seeing over 24 hours had gone by with me playing without breaks (it was on a laptop so I took it to the loo).

I really want to see what the latest in the golden sun series has given us as that was the GBA game that really blew me the fuck away.

Otherwise I'm kinda open for suggestions.

I intend to buy games legitimately as I do want to support games development but I wouldn't mind knowing what the status of stuff like the R4 is.
Super Mario Land 3D....possibly my favourite ever Mario game.

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is amazing too.
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