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New Park Road Snow Riot

Meanwhile, back in the UK

Snowball gangs target drivers

02 February 2009

TERRIFIED drivers were trapped in their cars as hordes of youths forced them to stop and pounded their cars with snowballs - smashing at least three windows.

Witnesses said at least one man was arrested as police were called to Alexandra Park this morning (Monday) to dozens of youths ganging up on slow-moving traffic in Alexandra Palace Way, surrounding them and throwing a barrage of snowballs.

Tensions escalated as some were thrown with such frightening force they smashed through the side windows of three cars.

Police were called and arrested one man, after their panda cars were also targeted.

A lone security guard for Alexandra Palace also braved the weather to try and calm the situation, while other adults flagged down traffic further down the road and told them to turn back.

The drama unfolded at around 11am as snow continued to fall, adding to six inches already laid overnight.

Hundreds of children, teenagers and adults took to the slopes of the park armed with sleds, toboggans, skis, snowboards and anything else they could use to career downhill.

Haringey police confirmed that officers were called to the scene, at the highest point of Alexandra Palace Way, from a traffic accident further down the slope.

A spokeswoman said officers moved people on and liased with park security to try to prevent recurrences.

Inspector Simon French, duty inspector, said: “There are a large number of people legitimately enjoying the park, but there are a small minority irresponsibly seeking their thrills by aiming snowballs at vehicles.

“This behaviour is extremely dangerous and anyone causing criminal damage will be dealt with. We urge drivers to exercise caution in these extreme weather conditions and not to travel unless completely necessary.”
What worries officials must are what the gang members will turn to once the snow melts.

Me too - Brockwell Park was amazing yesterday - so many people about all having a great time. The pubs around the park were packed and jovial and there was some snowballing of strangers but it was all really good natured.

This is a horrible story and saying that it's common human behaviour seems desperately sad to me. I really don't think it's normal for snowball fights to descend into brutal thuggery :(
Brockwell park is a wonder today. There are snow monuments everywhere and crowds are still tea traying down the slope at the cafe.
I didn't see or hear anything of this snow riot; When, and at what part of NPR (which is quite long)?
Ah ok, I don't do pubs generally so I wasn't aware that's what it was called as it wasn't something I would notice generally.

... and yes, off of NPR.
I simply cannot believe that there are a chorous of people complaining about calling these cunts sub-human. Boo fucking hoo, I could think of a lot worse names. Perhaps we should set up a 'scheme' and get funding to distribute fucking gloves in case their handies get cold too.

I simply cannot believe that there are a chorous of people complaining about calling these cunts sub-human. Boo fucking hoo, I could think of a lot worse names. Perhaps we should set up a 'scheme' and get funding to distribute fucking gloves in case their handies get cold too.

Because they are not sub-human. They are human. And so are you. Perhaps you're trying to distance yourself from them by calling them such. But you can't, boo fucking hoo.
... so attacking innocent bystanders in such a violent manner is perfectly acceptable behaviour?
... so attacking innocent bystanders in such a violent manner is perfectly acceptable behaviour?

Yes. That is exactly what I said. Boys will be boys and if they want to play a little roughhouse what concern is it of ours that they might pull someone out of their car and beat the living daylights out of them. And if next time someone gets killed, well, it's all part of the game isn't it.

Don't be a twunt, aj.
Because they are not sub-human. They are human. And so are you. Perhaps you're trying to distance yourself from them by calling them such. But you can't, boo fucking hoo.

They are not technically vagina's either but I'd have no problem with someone calling them cunts. The slight misuse of the English language doesn't really bother me too much.

All humans are human. Do we jump to the aid of anyone called sub-human on here? Or just the disadvantaged of South London? Mugabe, acceptable to call him sub-human?

Of all the things to get defensive about, calling these pricks (note: not 100% penis) 'sub-human' is way down my list.
Yes, but you're getting exceptionally defensive about your 'right' to call someone subhuman which, believe me, makes you look a little ridiculous from here.
They are not technically vagina's either but I'd have no problem with someone calling them cunts. The slight misuse of the English language doesn't really bother me too much.

All humans are human. Do we jump to the aid of anyone called sub-human on here? Or just the disadvantaged of South London? Mugabe, acceptable to call him sub-human?

Of all the things to get defensive about, calling these pricks (note: not 100% penis) 'sub-human' is way down my list.

It's all gone a bit over your head!

Poor thing. :(
Yes, but you're getting exceptionally defensive about your 'right' to call someone subhuman which, believe me, makes you look a little ridiculous from here.

Oh I appreciate there's irony, but get real. Unless there's a big injoke here that I've missed then

It's all gone a bit over your head!

Poor thing. :(

It seems that way, perhaps you could help enlighten me? :)

For what it's worth, i didn't use the phrase originally. I find it a bit naff but always thought it was very 'urban' as it happens. I wasn't aware it'd fallen out of favour which is why I was wondering if there were still any acceptable times to us it.

I wouldn't normally get worked up about this but it was the fact that this is a pretty shitty thing to happen yet a good portion of the posts are moaning about these little wankers being called fucking subhuman.

It's the kind of petty bollocks that alientates the working classes from the left.
Oh god, an appeal to the working classes and a swipe at the faceless 'left' now. All so this bod that I've never seen before can proudly spout off like a lesser spotted Bushell, albeit with new improved levels of witlessness.

You'll be called a 'wiberal' next Quimmy, mark my words.

fuckin hell

everyone gets pissed off when I've said Brixton is mental, but I've never heard of a snowball riot before

if it's just human nature how come it didn't happen anywhere except the crime ridden part of london?

You manage to make it sound as if all the crime in London happens in Brixton. The area I live (out in east London) is a horrible area, yet doesn't seem to have a reputation - we even had the first senseless teen stabbing of 2009 in the next street along. No snowball riots though. Make of that what you will.
Oh I appreciate there's irony, but get real. Unless there's a big injoke here that I've missed then

It seems that way, perhaps you could help enlighten me? :)

For what it's worth, i didn't use the phrase originally. I find it a bit naff but always thought it was very 'urban' as it happens. I wasn't aware it'd fallen out of favour which is why I was wondering if there were still any acceptable times to us it.

I wouldn't normally get worked up about this but it was the fact that this is a pretty shitty thing to happen yet a good portion of the posts are moaning about these little wankers being called fucking subhuman.

It's the kind of petty bollocks that alientates the working classes from the left.


The point being made is that human beings are often violent. Nothing more and nothing less than that. If you think that alienates working class people, then you're living in la la land!

You're just making yourself look ignorant. Calling people 'subhuman' isn't just another insult like 'cunt' is it? It has a long history in conflicts of all kinds, in race relations, in class relations. It's not a very pretty history and it suggests that once you label people as subhuman you are allowed to do pretty much anything you want to them.
ETA just realised this is in the Brixton forum - I don't live in Brixton, so what follows is irrelevant to the thread. I am not deleting it, though, because I can't be bothered :)

When I got home on Sunday night, and was slipping and sliding around the road in my car, trying to find a parking place, there was a gang of youths throwing snowballs at the car, which turned out to have stones in them. I can't swear that they meant them to have stones in, because that was when the snow was first lying, so it wasn't very deep, but I was very pissed off. If it hadn't been snowing and slippery, I would have chased them off through the estate (I did put the car into reverse and make as if I was going to do that, but then changed my mind).

Later on, the same kids were throwing snowballs at the houses, including mine, but I don't think they necessarily saw me. If they hadn't moved off quickly, I would probably have phoned the local plod, who would have done nothing, of course, other than mark me down as neurotic, but I was angry and worried...
You manage to make it sound as if all the crime in London happens in Brixton. The area I live (out in east London) is a horrible area, yet doesn't seem to have a reputation - we even had the first senseless teen stabbing of 2009 in the next street along. No snowball riots though. Make of that what you will.

I said Brixton is crimeridden I didn't say it was the only crime ridden part of London

I was sying people say that it's human nature, it isnt human nature, it's because of where people live

if you go out of England this sort of mindless violence is much less common, even in more urban, poorer areas. it's nowt to do with man nature, it's the dodginess of the area
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