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New Park Road Snow Riot


Diving wanker
Turns out there was near on a riot yesterday on NPR. About 40 youths throwing snowballs etc but then took it further by dragging people out of cars and kicking the shit out of them. Also, one bloke walking along in a suit, got pelted by a few snowballs but then kicked fuck out of by about 10 lads.

According to the locals pretty hairy and scary. There was a really weird buzz around there when I was in the pub later, still loads of smaller gangs just lobbing snowballs at strangers.

Fucking wankers. Police were called but turned up too late (roads were shit).
Bloody Orang and his 'snowballs are always fun gang.'
:mad: ;)

Didn't hear of this. There was a good tempered snowball fight in the Hootahob's garden, but that was about as violent as it got.
About 40 youths throwing snowballs etc but then took it further by dragging people out of cars and kicking the shit out of them. Also, one bloke walking along in a suit, got pelted by a few snowballs but then kicked fuck out of by about 10 lads.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with these sub-human cunts? They can't leave it, even for a day?

God that is depressing and upsetting if it happened as reported.

However calling them 'sub-human' is horrible Pie1.
Well, I don't think it is under the circumstances - sorry.
They dragged people out of cars & beat them up to get their jollies, FFS.

Sounds like a pretty common example of ordinary human behavior to me, sadly.


Though they are certainly surplus cunts.
This is really sad. I was just thinking how lovely the mood around Brixton was yesterday and how happy every one seemed.
No real surprise... lots of psyched up kids, readily available 'weapons'.. pretty easy to see how it turned nasty. I was amazed that everything seemed so good natured in our local park, tbh.
'normal' as in common. Humans are violent, happens all the time, and the capacity for it is in all of us.

As of course is the capacity for incredible acts of kindness, sacrifice and altruistic behavior. Sometimes from the self-same person.


I ain't saying its all bad, but stuff like this isn't really surprising or uncharacteristic of the species.
This thread title on the front page, along with Kanda's name under it keeps bringing to mind "Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada" every time I see it.

This is really sad. I was just thinking how lovely the mood around Brixton was yesterday and how happy every one seemed.

Me too - Brockwell Park was amazing yesterday - so many people about all having a great time. The pubs around the park were packed and jovial and there was some snowballing of strangers but it was all really good natured.

This is a horrible story and saying that it's common human behaviour seems desperately sad to me. I really don't think it's normal for snowball fights to descend into brutal thuggery :(
Me too - Brockwell Park was amazing yesterday - so many people about all having a great time. The pubs around the park were packed and jovial and there was some snowballing of strangers but it was all really good natured.

Will people stop making me feel horrendously jealous! :mad:

This is a horrible story and saying that it's common human behaviour seems desperately sad to me. I really don't think it's normal for snowball fights to descend into brutal thuggery :(

No, but it's not surprising that brutal thuggery would use snowball fights as a gateway activity.
I blame New Park Road myself. They're a bit weird in that wasteland.
To be honest, the snow seems a little immaterial here. A bit of frozen water doesn't provoke a driver-kicking rage and mob mentality in the vast majority of people. It seemed really good tempered around us really, including a vast snowball fight from all angles of the estate.
fuckin hell

everyone gets pissed off when I've said Brixton is mental, but I've never heard of a snowball riot before

if it's just human nature how come it didn't happen anywhere except the crime ridden part of london?
Funnily enough, was just reading in The Mirror about snowball fights that got out of hand and the police were called
how come it didn't happen anywhere except the crime ridden part of london?
New Park Road is leafy suburbia. My estate is notorious and crime-ridden and it was sweet. Just kids (as in under 15s) out having a lovely time in the snow.
I also noticed a weird atmosphere later on - we went to the cinema for a lateish film showing. On the way back the streets were deserted pretty much. That just felt wierd by itself - but then we saw this Fedex van driving like a complete nutter, it came swerving really fast (under any circumstances, let alone with the amount of snow there was) round the corner of the road we were crossing just skidding all over the place and scaring the shit out of us. We just both stopped dead and watched this van going mental. Then two guys just kind of got out, abandoned the van and started pelting each other with snowballs. I don't know if it had been nicked and joyridden or what?:confused:

We did also see some borderline aggressive snowball throwing. I think some people just get carried away.
Indeed. NPR's postively suburban and very close to Streatham. It's like blaming Newcastle for a ruck in Gateshead

I was heartened by how good hearted it was around St Matthews estate to be honest. kids everywhere smiling and laughing in sepia-tinged fashion.The only downside was entering the local, where some bloke trying to building a snowball tried to throw it into my face from a full 3 yards. Admittedly he said 'sorry' in a British way as he threw it and somehow only had the power of a broken wristed invalid, but still WTF? Got to be a bit of distance, surely. He got his comeuppance anyway - he threw a snowball too close to some pints and got rained upon by the hardy outside smoking contingent. All in a good humoured way of course.
fuckin hell

everyone gets pissed off when I've said Brixton is mental, but I've never heard of a snowball riot before

if it's just human nature how come it didn't happen anywhere except the crime ridden part of london?

This and that they think it's normal....

No it's not, you just live in a fucking crime zone. :D:D

"I'm about to be 11. I'm trying to get some respect for myself," said Caleb Roberts, a fifth grade student at Jefferson Middle School in the Bronx. Roberts and a member of the Whiteouts. He said the gang was given the moniker by a school official because of their love for snow.

Timothy "Timmy" Washington, 12, one of approximately 120 Snowmen, plans to try out for his school's baseball team come spring, until then, he devotes his after-school time to maintaining his gang's reputation. "Ya'll best not let us see you packing (snow)," said Washington. "If we see ya, we're going to squad up and it's all over."


What worries officials must are what the gang members will turn to once the snow melts. Many experts said mudballs in the spring and water-balloons in the summer will likely be used by gangs to maintain their standing in warmer weather.
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