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New Labour think tank IPPR supports mass immigration

I can't stand the fucking Guardian <rant alert> Probably because I want to vomit whenever I see that fucking low life terrorist cocksucking Israel hating priviledged middle class lefty tourist wankstain Seamus Milne writing in there.

ooops - *steps off of sore point rapidly* - weirdly Milne is one of the few I used to bother reading mainly latent respect from when he wrote the enemy within book about the 84 miner's strike
yes i was Pat :)

now wheres my agenda! :D

nice fella - madder than a box of frogs on occasion :D

your agenda - I suppose i mean the 8 million threads started over the last few years on something which is a bit of a mute point. its not worth picking over the bones for the umpteenth time (which is why i'm am already regreting taking the piss by saying ti). Pat'll give you a run or your money if you want to chat about it with him :)
nice fella - madder than a box of frogs on occasion :D

your agenda - I suppose i mean the 8 million threads started over the last few years on something which is a bit of a mute point. its not worth picking over the bones for the umpteenth time (which is why i'm am already regreting taking the piss by saying ti). Pat'll give you a run or your money if you want to chat about it with him :)

yes pat seems cool! :D

oh THAT agenda?? of using neo liberal migration to attack the middle class liberal left?!!! :D

i thought for some horrible moment you might have been referring to some 'other' non existent agenda as certain old northen swp fellow travellers have done! :D apologies!
If you had bothered to read this thread or the thread where my post about education came from you would know. You would also know I transparently gave the name of my school for any nob brains who would challenge me. I could give you the name of the teacher who done the lessons on black heroes, but I can't be arsed with you. :rolleyes:

I read the thread, that's why I replied to you and why I mentioned about other comments made, but that was a ruse to avoid any embarassment on your part in admitting the obvious crack in your bollocks about "black history" wasn't it?
So now it's "the teacher" (singular) who "done the lessons", rather than the entire history syllabus being changed to be solely about "black history" at your school?

If you claim there is a discrepancy between my comments elsewhere and here, then quote both posts word for word, and point exactly to where I mention the "syllabus being changed". Don't attribute your inferences to me. Back up any comments you attribute to me with quotes from me. If you fail to do this then you are obviously full of shit.

A "multicultural group"?
Yesterday it was a "black student's group", today it's a "multicultural group". What'll it be tomorrow, Mikey?

I said a "multicultural group of students" referring to the school as a whole. I said a "black students' group" referring to a particular after school group that was organised by a black English teacher. Again, contact the school or stop talking shit.
Your no spring chicken and for the umteenth time.........oh do give it a rest ffs. :rolleyes:

fuck off smear artist .. you lose an argument, you smear .. you got nothing useful to say here, then, as i said, fuck off to another thread. bye :)
fuck off smear artist .. you lose an argument, you smear .. you got nothing useful to say here, then, as i said, fuck off to another thread. bye :)

Up yours gobshite.

Your argument can be summed up as returning to some quaint 50's style perceived utopia, when the community used to walk out of their one up, two down back to backs to a workplace at bottom of't street whilst avoiding the smog as it wafted down some cobbled street.

Pass the fucking Hovis. :D
Up yours gobshite.

Your argument can be summed up as returning to some quaint 50's style perceived utopia, when the community used to walk out of their one up, two down back to backs to a workplace at bottom of't street whilst avoiding the smog as it wafted down some cobbled street.

Pass the fucking Hovis. :D
summed up thus only in your stagnent smear artist brain .. now piss off fronm this thread you are contrubuting nothing useful
If you claim there is a discrepancy between my comments elsewhere and here, then quote both posts word for word, and point exactly to where I mention the "syllabus being changed". Don't attribute your inferences to me. Back up any comments you attribute to me with quotes from me. If you fail to do this then you are obviously full of shit.
Thanks for asking me to do that, Mikey. I'm happy to oblige.
The main "discrepancy" is between your statement on the 'Lee Jasper calls for "Black only" schools' thread, post number 133 where you say:
"Strange that because I went to a school that didn't teach much history at all, was very PC, where teachers taught us about historical "black heroes" (but no history involving whites)..." (my emphasis), and your contention to MC5 on post number 138 of this thread that:
"If you had bothered to read this thread or the thread where my post about education came from you would know. You would also know I transparently gave the name of my school for any nob brains who would challenge me. I could give you the name of the teacher who done the lessons on black heroes, but I can't be arsed with you." (my emphasis).
Big difference between a single teacher doing something, and the history syllabus only reflecting "historical 'black heroes' ", wouldn't you say?

As for "inferences", given that the National Curriculum between 1988 and 1998 only had a few modules on "black history", and that your school would have followed the National Curriculum, your school's history syllabus must have been changed, otherwise it couldn't, as you've claimed, "... taught us about historical "black heroes" (but no history involving whites)[/b]" ('Lee Jasper calls for "Black only" schools' thread, post number 133).
I said a "multicultural group of students" referring to the school as a whole. I said a "black students' group" referring to a particular after school group that was organised by a black English teacher. Again, contact the school or stop talking shit.
Mikey, I'm not the one talking shit, I'm not the one floundering in the stinky brown stuff because I've told fibs/exaggerated/plain lied.
That'd be YOU. :)
So you concede you were wrong on your last point. I agree. As for the teachers / teacher point, I did not have more than one teacher from any department giving lessons to my particular class, but "teachers" would have given lessons to other classes in my year - are you too thick to have anticipated that? You have wasted time and come up with no evidence that I mentioned the "syllabus being changed" in quotes from me. Like I said earlier, you are full of shit and a lame Sherlock Holmes.
Mikey give it a rest. Nobody believes you. Eveybody thinks you're a giant bullshit hound and laughable liar.

Anyway, as you were, making that unconvincing angry wriggling sound. Not my fault - you could have just come clean and admitted a mistake, or just not made the daft claim in the first place.
So you concede you were wrong on your last point. I agree. As for the teachers / teacher point, I did not have more than one teacher from any department giving lessons to my particular class, but "teachers" would have given lessons to other classes in my year - are you too thick to have anticipated that? You have wasted time and come up with no evidence that I mentioned the "syllabus being changed" in quotes from me. Like I said earlier, you are full of shit and a lame Sherlock Holmes.
It doesn't have to be "in quotes", Mikey. Not if the context (as in your posts) is plain as the nose on your face.

But hey, whatever, Mikey.
Obviously in "Mikey-World" (TM) you're the man who speaks no wrong.

On here, of course, you're something different: you're someone who can't keep their story straight, and tries to hide the fact by name-calling. Well done!
summed up thus only in your stagnent smear artist brain .. now piss off fronm this thread you are contrubuting nothing useful

You might want to think about contributing something useful to the producers of East Enders, or Coronation Street. You could be Jack Tanner re-born, or Lofty even. :D
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