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New Labour think tank IPPR supports mass immigration

You seemed to do a good enough job of sluring yourself Mickey

So are you saying you didn't make that bit up about 'black history'? It was all true?? :D

A fact. You want to try and make a convincing argument against me based on what the teachers in my school decided to teach. :rolleyes: They had Lee Jasper's ideas in mind long ago. Black History, and an after school black students group were just some of the things they tried, but that was explained in the other thread. Go read it!
A fact. You want to try and make a convincing argument against me based on what the teachers in my school decided to teach. :rolleyes: They had Lee Jasper's ideas in mind long ago. Black History, and an after school black students group were just some of the things they tried, but that was explained in the other thread. Go read it!

weirdly, I don't think I can be bothered mate.

I think its a big porkie pie and you are a bit of a fantasist ;)

And if you see tarannu as a muppet (willing or unwilling) of the CBI/bosses/status quo etc etc - you sound like much the same thing for your own weird reasons
being forced to migrate is one of the consequences of catastrophic policies acted out (and enforced on...) poorer nations.

Seeing immigrants as the cause of the problem - as opposed to a consequence - hides the real cause

I dont see Immigrants as the cause of the problem dennis. But mass migration is part of what makes the world a deeply unequal place.
Supporting free market policies on migration, makes no sense at all for anyone who believes in a planned economy.
A fact. You want to try and make a convincing argument against me based on what the teachers in my school decided to teach. :rolleyes: They had Lee Jasper's ideas in mind long ago. Black History, and an after school black students group were just some of the things they tried, but that was explained in the other thread. Go read it!

Pooey. What a smell.

Nobody believes you and your defective, make it up as you go along memory Mikey. Keep going though, we could do with a laugh.

Could be a Channel 5 programme in it: When Liars Get Angry
Plum. Save that righteous fury for someone who believes the shit you spout.

They were not very good rhetorical questions anyway. Your whole argument against me is based on my experience of my school and that has to be flawed. Like I say they taught us black history, but no white history in a school which was said to have more languages spoken by its students than any other in London at that time. :p
They were not very good rhetorical questions anyway. Your whole argument against me is based on my experience of my school and that has to be flawed. Like I say they taught us black history, but no white history in a school which was said to have more languages spoken by its students than any other in London at that time. :p

If the point about you being at school circa 1988-93 is accurate, then your school syllabus would have come under the National Curriculum (which also started in 1988).
That being the case, your school's history department wouldn't have had the freedom to decide that you'd get taught "black history" to the exclusion of "white history", they'd have had to conform to whatever the National Curriculum set out, no ifs and buts.

So, either: a) your school's headmaster and entire history department were engaging in illicit behaviour, or b) you're not being honest, because there's no option c) available.
So, either: a) your school's headmaster and entire history department were engaging in illicit behaviour, or b) you're not being honest, because there's no option c) available.

Hello Sherlock, I was asked in the other thread for the name of my school, I didn't hesitate to give it because I went there and know what was taught.

Your options are a) Contact the school and ask them about the "history department" in the late 80s and early 90s. (Don't forget to ask them about their efforts to include a multicultural group up of students in their lessons) or b) Go and suck some eggs. ;)
Your options are a) Contact the school and ask them about the "history department" in the late 80s and early 90s. (Don't forget to ask them about their efforts to include a multicultural group up of students in their lessons) or b) Go and suck some eggs. ;)

And your options
a) stop making stuff up because it does not reinforce any valid point you may have originally had to make

b) stop making stuff up because it does not reinforce any valid point you may have originally had to make

My history lessons at school <decade removed> taught me about characters who were exclusively white, from a world map that was mostly pink.

Now, as others have mentioned, the leap to history taught in the late 80's and early 90's as being exclusively about "black history" is bollocks, so what's your point Mickey77?
Now, as others have mentioned, the leap to history taught in the late 80's and early 90's as being exclusively about "black history" is bollocks, so what's your point Mickey77?

If you had bothered to read this thread or the thread where my post about education came from you would know. You would also know I transparently gave the name of my school for any nob brains who would challenge me. I could give you the name of the teacher who done the lessons on black heroes, but I can't be arsed with you. :rolleyes:
Hello Sherlock...
Wow, Mikey opens with a bit of name-calling. That bodes well for the rest of his "argument"!
I was asked in the other thread for the name of my school, I didn't hesitate to give it because I went there and know what was taught.
Or, conversely, you know, like I do, that schools aren't required to keep records for longer than six years, so feel safe to talk uttr shite. :)
Your options are a) Contact the school and ask them about the "history department" in the late 80s and early 90s.
Pointless given what I said above, wouldn't you think?
(Don't forget to ask them about their efforts to include a multicultural group up of students in their lessons)
A "multicultural group"?
Yesterday it was a "black student's group", today it's a "multicultural group". What'll it be tomorrow, Mikey?
or b) Go and suck some eggs. ;)
Poor Mikey, didn't anyone ever tell you that the more complex the lie, the harder it is to maintain?
If you had bothered to read this thread or the thread where my post about education came from you would know. You would also know I transparently gave the name of my school for any nob brains who would challenge me. I could give you the name of the teacher who done the lessons on black heroes, but I can't be arsed with you. :rolleyes:

So now it's "the teacher" (singular) who "done the lessons", rather than the entire history syllabus being changed to be solely about "black history" at your school?

Your story is falling apart quicker than a brand new Barratts home, Mikey! ;)
Your story is falling apart quicker than a brand new Barratts home, Mikey! ;)

Come on Mickey - just say 'ok, i may have exaggerated/embellished/made it up' * and then come to whatever point you actually wanted to say.

you are just embarrassing yourself now

* delete as appropriate
And you still haven't come close to defining what you mean by 'local' and how this division would work.

Your turn first.
accusing someone of being anti immigration is kinda bigger than disccusing the technicalities but oh well

actually i DID already state it clearly but you choose to ignore

so to repeat ( again )

a local employer should employ local people .. local people means people who live er in the area .. this is similar to the positive dscrimination policies of the old labour councils which incidently i supportted as i believe a workforce SHOULD reflect the local community

an example and one that diane abbot argued was her NHS trust should NOT import finns and philipinos but should employ and train local kids many of who are the rejected grandchildren of those Enoch Powell as Minister of Health bought over from the caribean when we had full employment

ok so you say what if there are no takers .. well then maybe just maybe you should read the OP again .. as the KEY part of my arguement is that so much work as been de skilled and had wages lowered that kids do NOT want those jobs .. so we need a debate about it ..

but with so many companies importing labour / employing cheap migrant labour we will NEVER have that debate

p.s. what is bme youth unemployment in brixton these days?

and so your turn

where was it i have said i am against immigration then?
i've got my own agenda (added: like you have) - haven't bothered reading the rest of the thread.

so what you doing on this thread? .. oh shooting a sitting duck ( that shite is too easy dennis :))

.. and by the way what is this agenda of mine you refer to?? i am intrigued! :D

( btw i appreciated the support of your irish comrade on the unison strike day .. lots of support from public on the picket line i was on but he was the only one from the left) )
That article in the Observer business says it all about the elites attitude to migration, a neo-liberal ramp! and also the absolute failure of NL's education and training policies

Slightly off topic but did you see the letters page of the Grauniad yesterday?

The first letter of a series of three praising the influx of economic migration was a bod from the CBI.

Cheap labour importers for open borders :rolleyes:
Slightly off topic but did you see the letters page of the Grauniad yesterday?

The first letter of a series of three praising the influx of economic migration was a bod from the CBI.

Cheap labour importers for open borders :rolleyes:
suprise suprise
( btw i appreciated the support of your irish comrade on the unison strike day .. lots of support from public on the picket line i was on but he was the only one from the left) )

hackney? - most of the other SP in hackney are either members of unison (so would be organising their own picket lines - BD the hackney unison branch sec. is a member for instance, so are a lot of the leadership of the branch) or working as people do (it may surprise you to know :)

irish - that was possibly Pat? - bit of a speech impediment?

added: do you know Will L (anarcho - council shop steward or was last i heard...) works closely with our lot?
Slightly off topic but did you see the letters page of the Grauniad yesterday?

The first letter of a series of three praising the influx of economic migration was a bod from the CBI.

Cheap labour importers for open borders :rolleyes:

Indeed - it seems to be the general theme of the Guardian at the moment (the 'voice of New Labour') - not just yesterday's letters - regular articles.
Indeed - it seems to be the general theme of the Guardian at the moment (the 'voice of New Labour') - not just yesterday's letters - regular articles.

I can't stand the fucking Guardian <rant alert> Probably because I want to vomit whenever I see that fucking low life terrorist cocksucking Israel hating priviledged middle class lefty tourist wankstain Seamus Milne writing in there.
hackney? - most of the other SP in hackney are either members of unison (so would be organising their own picket lines - BD the hackney unison branch sec. is a member for instance, so are a lot of the leadership of the branch) or working as people do (it may surprise you to know :)

irish - that was possibly Pat? - bit of a speech impediment?

dennis :) i know all that ^^^ :)

and i have worked happily with them for many years

yes it was Pat :)

now wheres my agenda! :D
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